
Ugh, going through another biting stage?

So ds went through a biting stage at about 11 was so bad we switched daycares.  It was awful!!!  We found a new daycare and after about a month he stopped biting.  Well, my babysitter just emailed me and said he bit today.  Ugh!  It's been 4 months since his last bite.  She made a comment like, "I thought he had gotten past that stage."  Well, I was hoping he had!  She almost kicked him out the last time this happened so I'm really worried... 

Re: Ugh, going through another biting stage?

  • Could he be teething/getting molars?  I noticed DD#2 bites (just her sister) only when she's getting molars or new teeth.  Thankfully, she doesn't at school and only seems to bite DD#1, but she has gone through the "biting phase" three times now.  Drives me mad.  Anyway, check for molars and maybe try motrin for a few days.  DD#2 does bite out of frustration and in aggression, but only when her teeth are already bothering her.  Ear infections or anything to do with ears/nose/mouth seem to set her off. 
  • It's so hard! There are two things that I worry about with biting. 1 - what were the circumstances to the bite? and 2 - what was the caregiver doing to prevent it? At this age, biting is usually because they cannot express themselves.

    Talk to the provider about it, and see what steps she will do to prevent it (removing a toy that is esp. coveted, keeping two children separate at lunchtime/right before nap/during a story, etc.)

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  • It's not uncommon for babies and toddlers to go through biting stages.  Any day care provider/babysitter worth paying should be willing to work with you to change the behavior, not threatening to kick your kid out.  I'd be more concerned about the sitter than about the biting.
    Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06) Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageSusie2005:
    It's not uncommon for babies and toddlers to go through biting stages.  Any day care provider/babysitter worth paying should be willing to work with you to change the behavior, not threatening to kick your kid out.  I'd be more concerned about the sitter than about the biting.

    Ditto this.

    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
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