I was getting some tests done at the Cardiologists office (mainly due to family hx of early pronblems) and the nurse was reviewing meds and said "You're not still taking prenatal vitamins are you?" I wanted to punch her as sI felt like the way she said it implied why would you be trying to get pregnant (you're too old, fat, unhealhty, etc) It was very irritating. Anyone have a good comeback if that comes up again?
On the plus side all my tests came back fine my heart is healthy!! Puts me at ease with ttc as I has pre-eclampsia with first.
Thanks for letting me vent ladies.
Re: Annoying comment from a medical prof.
Why would she ask that anyway? What harm do they do?
I'm sorry she made you sad, and I've got no good comeback.
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So glad to hear your tests came back fine and all positive signs for TTC. Even better that you can be at ease while TTC - makes it more fun!
As for the insensitivity of the nurse, I lost count how insensitive and inappropriate medical staff and sometimes my previous OBGYN has been through my TTC process. So sorry to hear this has happened to you. Amazing sometimes how the human filter falls off at inappropriate moments.
I agree with the other ladies, I would have likely asked the nurse why it would be an issue to continue to take prenatals?
But then again, I have a**hole tendencies and would have probably said something more along the lines of "gosh, so glad you asked me that. here it is close to mother's day and while i have been TTC and taking prenatals to be healthy and ready for my opportunity to become pregnant i had almost forgotten how vulnerable i might be to insensitive questions. thank you for the reminder."