**Jan 2013: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.2= CANCELLED due to high prolactin level, MRI scheduled, pituitary adenoma found, put on Dostinex**
**Mar 2013: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.3= CANCELLED due to uterine polyp, surgery scheduled for polypectomy and D&C**
**03/22/13: Hysteroscopy, polypectomy and D&C**
**May 2013: Finally got to start a cycle!!! Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.4 = BFFN (6mil, 74% motility, 2% morph)**
**Jun 2013: Decide to start IVF**
IVF w/ICSI #1 (Long Lupron Protocol)
06/26/13: Start BCPs
07/02/13: HSG #2= all clear
07/15/13: Start Lupron 10 ius
07/25/13: Suppression check
07/28/13: Start stims (225IUs Follistim + 75IUs Menopur) drop to 5 IUs Lupron
08/01/13: Monitoring: 12 follicles all about 10mm, E2- 313
08/04/13: Monitoring: 18 follicles (15mm, 13mm, a few 11mm, rest 10mm or below) E2- 1,505
Start Augmentin- antibiotic prep
08/06/13: Monitoring: 13 follicles (18mm, 17mm, rest b/w 15mm-16mm!) Ready to trigger!! E2- 2,248
08/08/13: ER-- 14R, 13M, 10F
08/11/13: One fertilized late, we now have 11 embryos!
08/13/13: 5dt-- 2 blasts (Sheldon and Penny) 3AA and 3BB, none to freeze
8/23/13: BFFN... Sheldon and Penny didn't stick**
**8/29/13: Follow up... bad fragmentation issues. Changing protocol to Antagonist for round #2 coming soon! Also started on 81mg Aspirin after getting blood panel done and found out I have PAI-1**
**Oct 2013: After large cysts, finally starting IVF #2**
IVF w/ICSI #2 (Antagonist Protocol)
BCPs started back in Sept due to cysts
10/27/13: Start stims (225 IUs Gonal-F + 75 IUs Menopur)
11/03/13 - 11/05/13: Add Ganirelix to the mix
11/06/13: 3 follicles at 18mm-- Ready to trigger!
11/08/13: ER-- 17R, 13M, 8F
11/13/13: 5dt-- 2 blasts (Luke and Leia) 5AB and 4AB, 1 frostie
11/20/13- 11/23/13: light positives on FRERs and Wondofos
11/22/13: BFN per RE office (under HCG of 10)
11/27/13: CP ::sigh::
*12/03/13: Follow up...great response and quality this time, was given 50% chance of it working, just didn't stick. Great plan for 2014!
**Jan 2014: Last IVF of our SRP**
IVF w/ICSI, freeze all, then FET
12/27/13: Start BCPs
01/19/14: Stims (375 IUs Gonal-F + 75 IUs Menopur)
Congratulations Cutebride!! --TWINS!! Congratulations, Luvie, on your sweet boy! Congrats, Jess! So happy for you ladies!

~~Also best of luck to Kati, illinigal, and youngin!~~