DD's last day at school for the year is May 21st. They are doing an end of the year bucket for the kids. The teachers are bringing sand buckets and each child needs to bring an item for the bucket for each child. They suggested things like sand walk chalk, bubbles, jump ropes, and anything creative. Was wondering if any of you had any creative outdoor ideas. There are only 5 kids in DD's class so it doesn't need to be anything too inexpensive.
Addison Elizabeth
Carter James

Re: Suggestions
the Melissa and Doug Sunny Patch stuff is really cute. There are shovels, water bottles, magnifying glasses, flashlights, binoculars, hats, butterfly nets, & bug houses.
eta: You might want to try the Target $1 spot too. I find good stuff in there every so often.
Carter James
This website has pretty good prices and I'm sure you would get it in time.
Here are some on sale...magnify glasses
or the flashlights
Plus, with code 60331 you get free shipping!
You could melt crayons in muffin tins to make them each a set of multicolored crayons. There's tons of tutorials online for this.
Window crayons (Crayola makes them. DD loves them and they wash off very easily.)
Bubble blowers - ours came from Target and looks like a little cactus. It makes a ton of bubbles.
I wonder if the buckets would be big enough for a beach towel? Wal-Mart has some kids' beach towels for $5 right now.
We have a birthday party for one of DS's classmates this weekend, and I got him one of those beach towels, some water guns, sidewalk chalk, and a bubble blower. Summer-y stuff.