Van Deerlin is a bit odd. When I first started at SJF, he used to freak me out. One time he counted my follies like the count on sesame street (one, two, three little follicles, four, five six. . . ). I used to think that he had a touch of Asperger's. But the more I worked with him with IVF, the more I liked him. He was actually the most gentle out of all my IUIs and ETs. I'm actually meeting with him on Monday, and I'm really excited I got in with him.
Which office do you mainly go to? Do you see just one doc or a bit of each? I go to the EHT office so I've seen all the docs and there's only one i'm not a fan of. My overall experience with SJF has been very good. The doctors and staff are all extreemly nice. I was touched when a nurse called after my last BFN just to see how I was doing. Considering another RE has nothing to do with my dislike of SJF, its just that maybe a different perspective is what I need!
Good luck to you Hopefully we'll both find success with SJF!!!