Hi All,
I'm 17 weeks pregnant with identical twins. Yesterday
at our anatomical scan it was discovered that I have Twin-to-Twin
Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) and am now at high-risk of losing either one or both of them . Baby B is
measuring 2 weeks behind Baby A. Needless to say I am devastated, but
am trying to stay strong for the LOs.
I am not happy with the care I received yesterday. While the peri is a nice, older gentleman, he appears to simply be semi-retired, and has now passed me along to his other colleagues who know more about this disease. He essentially told me to "wait and see" and go home to do my research about the options he laid out for us. I acknowledge that I'm not a doctor, but my research says I should be seeing someone asap and am an ideal candidate for laser surgery, which also should be done immediately. Ughhh....
I've put myself on bedrest, and my in-laws are flying in to help me out while DH is out of town for work (he couldn't reschedule). I'm a teacher and I just couldn't face 48 middle school students who were anxiously awaiting the announcement of the babies' gender. (Little boys.)
Has anyone on here been through or is currently going through this? I could use some words of wisdom and positive vibes.
Re: Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Diagnosed - help
Have you looked here:
Wait and see??? Your doctor sounds very blase about this!
Can you contact this woman?
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Also here:
Are you seeing a perinatologist (aka MFM or maternal-fetal-medicine doctor) or just an OB? You need to see a peri/MFM asap. If you are seeing a peri/mfm, you need to find a new one. Today. To find a good one, you can contact your local mothers of twins club and ask for suggestions. You can find your local club here:
About your babies - were there any markers for t-tts other than discordant size? How were their fluid levels? Were there any signs of hydrops? Was your cervix length measured?
Hang in there - I've been there too. Luckily discordant growth doesn't always progress to full blown t-tts, and it doesn't always require surgery. I really, really hope this is the case for you and your sweet little boys.
You're in Denver -- so not too far from Texas. I know that the fetal center at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston has worked miracles for TTTS for another mom on here and her 2 girls.
Please contact them!
BFP #2 - 12/9/09 After being on bedrest for 10 weeks due to TTTS and hospital bedrest for 4 weeks due to PPROM, my sticky babies are here! Born at 32 weeks!!
I know she has a successful surgery in Texas. You'll be in my prayers, and good for you for being pro active!
I know she had a successful surgery in Texas. You'll be in my prayers, and good for you for being pro active!
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
2 chem preg, 4 failed IUIs, 2 canc IVFs, 2 BFN IVFs, IVF #5 = BFP!!!
3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong
I dont have any experience to offer but just wanted to wish you luck. I will be thinking about you and the LO's.
One thing I would say is that you should find another Dr. if you dont feel that you are getting proper care.
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
sending T&Ps!
i read your newer post that texas is likely where you'll go. but just to add another name - my peri, dr. david schrimmer, in san diego, is an expert in this area.
Honey, first of all, big hugs to you. As you know by now, TTTS is a very, very serious condition. I was diagnosed at 17 weeks also, had the laser ablation a week later and battled the disease for 13 weeks on bedrest (10 of which in the hospital) and my dear DDs were born small - but healthy! - at 30w0d. You should contact Mary at the TTTS Foundation and Karen at the Texas Chilren's Fetal Institute (https://miraclesofmultiples.blogspot.com/) - both were excellent resources for us. You'll need to find the best doctor there is in your area and prepare to travel to another state for surgery. Even though more medical centeres offer it now, there's really only a handful that have done the procedure enough so you want to trust your unborn babies lives into their hand. Also ... stay on top of this, you should be seen for u/s at least twice a week. We progressed from a stage 1 to a stage 3 in 48 hours. There are also MANY cases, I should say, where it never progresses that far and you might not need surgery ... but you need to be seen by a doctor who knows what he's doing. You can e-mail me at estherslittlewonders@gmail.com
If you go back on my blog to Feb of 2009, you can see what the journey was like for us and what kind of options we considered. Keep us posted. You're right, you can't give up hope. Every single day for 13 weeks I faced the possibility of losing one or both of my daughters - and they just celebrated their 1st birthday yesterday!!
My boys had TTTS. However ours was late in gestation. Since yours is so early on in your pregnancy I would think that you would be a candidate for laser surgery. One of the places that does it is not to far from you in Salt Lake City, Ut. Here are some websites that my Peri gave me to look at.
I HTH and if you have any questions you are more than welcome to ask.
Here is the information for the doctor in Utah......
Dr. Robert Ball, Dr. Michael Belfort
St. Mark?s Hospital
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Group
1140 East 3900 South, #390
Salt Lake City, Utah 84124
Phone: 801-743-4715
Nurse Coordinator: Carrie.Gonzales1@hcahealthcare.com
The same exact thing happened to me, except I was 18 weeks. I had a doctor that basically sent me away with a pat on the back and "good luck". It was awful! I called my regular OB the next morning and he referred me to a MFM at a hospital an hour away. I immediatley got in to see him and he calmed a lot of my nerves.
My story: my boys were also about 2 weeks apart and I ended up on bedrest and had weekly u/s with the MFM (sometimes 2x a week when the fluid looked low). I also maintained my scheduled appointments with my regular OB. I drank Protein shakes 3x a day as well. There is not really any scientific proof behind this but I was willing to do what ever it took, ya know?
I was induced at 36 weeks and delivered healthy baby boys with no NICU time. Ryan was 5lb5oz and Owen was 4lb11oz.
You do need immediate care and you need to be closely monitored. Stay positive and I am hoping for the best for you! Please update if you can!