I know this used to be posted about all.the.time. on 24+, but now that I'm actually going thru it, I can't find any of the posts. Please shed some light;)
I was gone all morning for work so I didn't start until I got home at 1130am. And actually, funnily (that's sooo not even a word!) my Dad is the one who put DD on the potty. She screamed bloody murder (she doesn't see him often) and then he calmed her down. She sat on the potty drinking juice for like 15 min and nothing. Dad came back into the bathroom, told her how proud of her he was that she sat on the big potty, and said he'd take her to the playground. So we did! It was adorable. She was so proud.
Background, she's deathly afraid of the big potty. Blood-curdling-scream-afraid. Not any more;)
I have no idea what I'm doing with PTing, so any light you feel like shedding is gladly accepted.
I put her in a pull-up, she peed in it. Then I put her in a pull-up for nap, and she woke up dry.
Then big girl training panties, and she had an accident while playing outdoors with me. She DID, however, tell me just before the pee came out, but like literally 2 seconds. This was improvement IMO.
Then, in training pants again, she told me she had to pee while she was playing. I ran her to the bathroom, nothing. This went on for 1 hour and about 3 attempts. Finally, she sat on the potty and I walked over to her room to get a book to read to her, and I hear her yell to me, "mommy! the pee pee came out in the toilet!" I ran in and sure enough, success! She wiped herself (with half a roll of TP LOL!) and washed her hands, then got a sticker and one gummi worm. She was beside herself with pride!!!!
The last fluids I have her was at 630pm (dinner) and it was 8 ounces of milk (usually her bedtime snack is warm milk. No longer. Her bedtime tonight was 845pm, so I'm assuming her potty success was the milk she drank 2 hrs earlier (hoping!).
When it came time to put her to sleep, I grabbed a pull-up and was going to put panties over them (my cousin said to do so--she has triplet 3 1/2 year olds and a 5 year old). DD flipped! "I dont' want diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will wear my alligator underpants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I start to panic. I didn't read anything about this in the 3 day PT book!? So, I reinforce her bed (Lying to her saying I made her bed wrong LOL--didn't want her to know I was readying her bed for potential pee pee failure). On top of the mattress pad, I put a water proof bed pad, then the sheet, then another waterproof pad. I have no idea what I'm doing, so again, suggestions are super appreciated!
She's been asleep for 3 hours and I just checked and she's still dry. Hooray! Hopefully, she'll be dry and thirsty in the AM. :fingers crossed:
...and if you're still reading this... thanks!
Re: Okay, so, bear with me... Our PT update: Day #1
I'd just follow her cues. I'd keep her in underwear (or training pants? I'm not sure what those are) during the day and if she wants to sleep in underwear at night, why not? If she has an accident it's not the end of the world.
Just keep doing what you're doing. She'll get the hang of it. I wouldn't go back to pullups except at night and naptime, if she'll have them on. That is, unless she starts resisting like crazy and it becomes a power struggle.
I'm still tired so I'm not sure if that made sense. DS decided he wanted to PT a year ago and we just went with it. We didn't read the three-day PTing book or anything. Just muddled our way through. Accidents are totally normal and fine (DS went through two weeks of accidents- the first week he had pee accidents and the second he had poo accidents. That wasn't fun to clean up). She'll get the hang of knowing when she has to go before the pee is actually coming out.
Hope something in there helps!
ETA: And you know you can get a whole waterproof mattress pad, right? We have one of those on DS's bed because he'll still occasionally have accidents at night. You can't PT for nighttime, it's a developmental thing. Anyway, getting a full waterproof mattress pad might help set your mind at ease and will definitely prevent her mattress getting soaked.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
We're in the middle of pting too. She wears a pull up for nap and night time. (She can nap up to 3.5 hours. If she takes a short nap 1.5-2 hours, she wakes up dry but I never know how long she will sleep. We tried panties at nap time but when she woke up wet was really really upset. So we do the undies over the pullup routine.)
What we do is everytime I need to go potty I take her. She sits on and goes, but if she is too busy having fun she'll forget to go and sometimes have an accident.
She does not poo on the potty. She waits till after her nap and goes before I realize she's awake or after I put her down for bed. (Which is weird, bc when we were in vegas she did poo on the potty. I guess what happens in vegas stays in vegas...)
(Which is weird, bc when we were in vegas she did poo on the potty. I guess what happens in vegas stays in vegas...) - ecoppins
that cracked me up. lol
Hawaii - sounds like everything is going very well. I personally didn't do pull ups - we just went straight to underwear.
If she doesn't want pull ups at nap/night - put her in underwear. She might surprise you. Olivia did the same thing and she only had a couple accidents at night.
Don't sweat it! If you are nervous about it all, she might get those vibes.