TTC after 35


From your knowledge and experiences, what really are the chances of an abnormality for pregnancies over 35 yo. I am going to be 34 this year and we are talking about TTC in 3-4 years. Do you all think it's better to err on the side of caution and TTC sooner? DS is my 1st and I had a very healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery at 32-33yo. Besides already being KU and getting that blood test they do early in 2nd tri, is there any other factors I should look into or is it just something that "happens"? I'm currently on Mirena. Appreciate any insight you all have. I'm limited to getting info from the grand old military doctors.

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Re: Statistics...

  • I had a baby at 39 recently and we are trying to conceive again before its too late. I am 40 now. It has taken 5 months with no luck so far. I think they have to tell you about abnormalities just so you know odds. I didn't like when I had my mirena in so I had it taken out and I am still not pregnant yet., I have heard it can take 18 months to conceive after Mirena use. I would try now to have another if you are worried. They also recommend genetic counseling with older mommies. Don't let that scare you, its to figure out your odds, but I scored better than average during my counseling. So really it was a relief to have that. Not sure why they scare us or use big terms. Hope this helps.
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  • And be sure to stay on prenatals and folic acid at all times.
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  • personally i wouldn't wait 3-4 years to TTC again if you and DH definitely know that you want another child. that's wonderful that you had an easy and successful pregnancy the first time around, but as you get older it is supposedly harder to get pg because of dimishing eggs.

     DH and I started TTC our first when I was 31 and it took us 2 years (2 natural mcs, one chemical pregnancy and a lost twin) for me to conceive DD via IVF #1. I had her at 34. The first year was definitely a whirlwind, but we decided because it took us so long the first time that we weren't going to wait long to TTC again. When DD turned 1, we started trying. We tried on our own for 2 months and then I went to RE again. I didn't want to wait long to revisit him knowing our previous experience. We did another IVF but it didn't work. the very next month we got prego on our own. I will be 36 when I have our 2nd daughter.

      that being said, i've heard lots of stories from friends and family of people having no problem getting prego the 1st time and then having problems the 2nd time - known as secondary infertility. But there are also people like me that had a hard time with the first and an easier time getting prego the 2nd time. In the end I guess you just never really know, but i'd be fully aware of the potential risks of waiting a few years.

  • steverstever member

    imageDeanne Shehane:
    And be sure to stay on prenatals and folic acid at all times.

    This. And I'm not sure about the Mirena, but even without it I wouldn't wait "several years" to TTC. Not so much because of a risk of complications, but just in case you guys encountered any difficulties that needed to be sorted out. 

    Good luck!

  • I would not wait personally. Also, I have 4 yes 4 friends that are currently pregnant while on Mirena. Google the pregnancy rate for Mirena, its crazy.

    I was 37 when got pregnant with my daughter and 38 when delivered. I am 40 and have had a hard time getting pregnant again.

    Good luck


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  • Honestly, my advice would be, if you are set on waiting that long, then look into freezing your eggs.  I started TTC just after I turned 39 and was not successful using my own eggs.  Some people are, but many aren't.  I wouldn't take the chance, if I had other options.
  • I wouldn't wait if possible. It took us 5 years to have DS when I was 30...see siggy. You have to do what is comfortable for you.

    COngrats on the new additon to your family.

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