This is my first IUI, and I just had my baseline drawn, and u/s done. The u/s showed a medium-sized cyst on my left ovary, and RE suggested putting me on BCP to shrink it. I told them that BCPs have caused my Crohn's to flare in the past, and that I'd prefer not to go on the pill. They said that was alright and we could go ahead with trying thte 50mg clomid for 5 days as scheduled. Has anyone else go ahead with tkaing clomid after discovering they have a cyst? TIA for your help!
Re: Just had baseline and u/s
I don't have any personal experience with this, but from what I've heard they usually want to check your E2 level and wait if it's too high or proceed if it's low enough.
Good luck!
This-the reason your doctor wanted to get the cyst down is because Clomid can cause more cysts. It's good that he is monitoring you, and the 50 mg is a lower dose so it may have a lesser chance of creating more cysts. Has he/she been checking your blood levels, too?
Good luck
Diagnosed PCOS & MFI-Success with IUI
Very helpful - thanks! Yes, he's been monitoring my blood levels.
No problem, lots of luck to you!
Diagnosed PCOS & MFI-Success with IUI