Birth Stories

Induced at 36wks with no epi!!

Here is Colby Dale's Birth story

Ok a little background info:

I had a gallbladder attack at 29 wks and I refused to have surgery and possible deliver him at 29wks so I was kept in the hospital on bed rest for 1wk with 24hour of meds and antibiotics.  Between 29wks and 35wks I had 4 more trips to the hospital for gallbladder/gallstones(I had 20+ stones) NOT FUN.

I had preterm labor at 34wks (caused by gallbladder issues) after 12hrs and 2 shots the contraction finally stopped.  My OB sent me to get an amnio to see if Colby's lungs were mature enough to deliver.  They give you a number that the "lungs need to be at (45 or higher) Colby was at 13...not going to deliver yet.  My OB said let get to 36wks if we can. 

Flash forward to 35wks 4day(friday)...The contractions were back...every 6-8min.  We were on our way to the ob anyway so they hooked me up to the machine  to measure his movement and activity..not as good as they would like.  Finaly the contractions slowed down.  This happened to be the weekend my ob was gone (it was also mothers day weekend)  We had to get another amnio to double check the lungs before we we decided to do the amnio that Monday (36wk)

On Monday at 10am we went in for another amnio...Those things hurt.. and then the wait began.  We finally got a call from our Dr at around 6pm (yes he called after hours...he was really a great dr!) and told us to come on down to LD ..Colby's numbers were 57 !  

We grabbed the bags at 7pm , got some dinner on the way, then checked into L&D at around 8pm.  We decided not to start anything till the morning so all they did was hook up the monitors.

Tuesday morning:

9:02am... Dr comes in to check me (1cm) and to start pit.

10am... they turn up the pit to get things moving...NOT GOOD..The contractions were already kinda uncomfortable 

10:15 ... Babys heart rate drop to the flies about 6 nurses and on goes the oxygen mask.  I also was told to roll to my left good, so I turn on my right side.. no good, so its on my hands and knees I go..much better for so great for me.  ( did I mention there were about 10 family members in my room at the time...yep having babies in my family is a big affair!)  So off goes the pit.

 11am... water breaks and 3cm...contractions were starting to get a little more painful so I decided to go ahead and ask for the epi!  In come the Dr with his STUDENT about 30 min later.  (here is the short version) STUDENT tried 4 times..yes 4! to get the epi in with no luck...yep no epi for me...not really the way I planned it to go but oh well!

Noon... 4cm and jamming out on the Ipod working through contractions..really not too helped a ton!

1pm...THE PAIN ouch ouch ouch pain!  I starting really getting uncomfterble!  Nurse checks me and I am still 4 cm

1:50  I start having really bad pains very low the nurse checks me and Im at a 5...then all hell breaks loose!  this is what happens in the following 10 min

Babys heart rate drops to the 60 ..I immediately turn on my hands and knees.  The nurse puts in an internal monitor (ouch) to get a more accurate reading of his heart rate.  I am having contractions that are off the computer screen with no break in between!  I tell her I feel like a gotta go to the bathroom..Well she checks me and at a 10..yep I went from a 5 to a 10 in less than 10min. all I can say is OUCH..

Nurse call in the troops...There were nurses everywhere and in come the Dr.  I really was confused on what was going on..I didnt under stand I was at a 10 ..cuz literally I was just at a 5. 

2pm pushing starts...Yes it hurt...but It wasnt as bad as I thought..altough my SIL said she could hear me down the hall as she was coming in.  

and after 22min of pushing Colby was born  @ 7lbs 1oz  19 3/4 long (the ultra sound they did the day before had him at 8lbs 7oz....wrong)

 14 hours after he was born I had surgery

Recovery was kinda difficult with just having surgery but we did great!

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Re: Induced at 36wks with no epi!!

  • Yowza!  I'm glad it all turned out okay.  He's adorable!  I'm having kidney stones with my pregnancy, so I feel your pain..... literally.

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