
Tell me about Braxton Hicks

This is my first pregnancy, and I'm pretty sure I've been having BH contractions the past few days. How often should I feel them/should they last before I get concerned? (ie. when do I call the doc?)

I am super out of it today -- tired & just feel like crying for no reason so I think I'm being paranoid. 

Any input/personal experiences? 

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Re: Tell me about Braxton Hicks

  • You're usually okay if they're not strong enough to cause significant discomfort and they're not getting stronger as time goes on.  They also should not be regular (timeable).  If you feel like something is wrong though, and you're having them often, drink lots of water and make sure you're off your feet.  If you still don't feel better, it doesn't hurt to call.  Take it easy! : )

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • I am no expert....but I was hospitalized at 24-25 weeks and then put on bedrest for contractions.  My contractions, what I thought were BH, were regular.  From what I understand, BH contrax are irregular and pretty infrequent.  If you feel them....make sure you are paying attention to how often you're having them.  Drink lots of water and keep your bladder empty-lie on your left side if you notice them more and by staying hydrated, lying down and an empty bladder should make them go away.

    Mine didn't go away with that which is what ended me up at L&D where we discovered they were 3 mins apart.  Just try to pay attention to them.....if you feel concerned, don't feel silly for calling and asking your Dr.  Better safe than sorry! 

    Good luck!

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "Yet you do not have because you do not ask. Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you recieve them, and you will have them." -James 4:2 and Mark 11:24.
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  • Thanks ladies. This helps. I called my doc just to be safe b/c I had two within 1.5 hours this morning. She told me what you told me: lay down, drink water, watch the clock if I have anymore. Hopefully it's just a little dehydration. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers twins born at 36 wks Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I have an irritable uterus, so I get a ton.  I've had them at 10 minutes apart and timeable, but they still didn't change my cervix at all.  It's really kind of frustrating, because I never know when to worry.  My OB kind of says, "Be worried if you are worried" so I am going with that for now.  Mine aren't painful, just the tightening of the uterus.
  • I started getting them about 20 weeks.  They scared me too! 

    My doctor told me that any more than 4 an hour is grounds for concern.  As the weeks have passed, I can pretty much tell when they are going to come:  Getting up from sitting/laying, full bladder, having to crap, or sneezing, or being dehydrated.  Thankfully they only last 15-30 seconds at the most.

    I generally only count the ones that happen when I'm laying and drinking water as part of the 4.  Those I know I didn't "cause". 

    The plus side of bh contractions is your stomach is shrink wrapped so I can totally tell the position of the babies.  I had a huge lump of baby B butt right under my ribs this morning as I got out of bed.  I patted it and said good morning. Smile 

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  • I started getting them around 12w with my twin pg (20w with my singleton).  I would call if they become regular (no matter how many you have in an hour).  I would buy the app Contraction Master if you have an iPhone or use while you're on the computer at home if you don't just to keep track for a day or so and then tell your OB how often they're coming.  My OB put me on Procardia, started weekly NST's, and weekly internals when I told him that there were times that I'd get 8+ an hour at 28w.  IMO it doesn't matter if they're not painful, I was sent to L&D at 32w for regular BH's that started off not very painful at all.
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