Two Under 2

Has anyone moved with 2?

So we are going to be moving out of a small rowhouse in the city to a single family home in the burbs within the next couple months. Our place is sold and we are making an offer on a house this week. 

Has anyone gone through this with a 2y/o and a baby (DD will be 1 in July)?  I would love any advice or tips.  In general they are pretty easy and have slept in different places tons of times.  How did they adjust?  Did you have any issues pop up a couple weeks after the move?

I should also mention that DD is currently in a crib in our room but will be moving to her own room.  We are going from a 2 br to a 4 br and I cannot wait for the H and I to have our own room again!

TIA for any advice!

DS 3.12.08
DD 7.11.09
DD 8.01.13

Re: Has anyone moved with 2?

  • We built a house near our other house so the transition was actually pretty smooth for us.  DS had been there a lot and was right at home.  I packed up their toys last and moved them/set them up first.  Same thing with DS's bedroom.  DD had been in our room until then and was 5 mos old when we moved.  She was in the PNP, so we put that in her room the first night and she did great.  We had already transitioned DS to the converted toddler bed from his crib and we put that in his room to start so that he'd have all of his stuff.  After about 6 weeks we moved that to DD's room and got him a new big bed.  They did amazingly well with it.  DS did wake up the 1st night and I found him by the laundry room looking for us b/c he didn't remember where our room was.  I put a toddler door knob cover on his door so that he couldn't get out of his room and would have to call for us if he needed us.  I felt it was safer for him at that point. 

    If you can, try to bring your toddler to the new house with you often, tell him where his room will be, let him run around, etc.  I think that helped us a ton.  Oh, and we had someone watching the kids the day we moved so that they woudn't see all of their stuff being taken out.  They just came home and it was all set up in the new place. 

    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • We moved from Arizona to Washington when DD#1 was almost 3 and DS was 15 months.

    We let DD help us pack her toys and we talked about how they were going to our new house close to her cousin (who she knew and loves - they are 4 months apart in age).  We packed most of her clothes and toys right before we moved, like two days before.

    When we got to WA, we made sure to set their stuff up first (this also provided the entertainment we needed so that we could unpack other stuff).

    Good luck!

    DD#1 11/7/04 DS#1 6/24/06 Chemical Pregnancy 6/08 DD#2 1/28/10 after secondary infertility, Clomid, & acupuncture missed m/c 6/2010 at 8 weeks (baby stopped growing @ 5.5) DS born sleeping 1/13/2011 due to cord accident at 22 weeks. DD#3 3/10/2012
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  • We will be moving back to the east coast in a few months so I am saving this for later!
  • we moved from IL to NY with a 2y/o and a 8m/o.  when I was packing, I gave dd busy work.  ds sat in a jumper or exersaucer.... we got rid of a bunch before this move.  we also hired movers ... I'd recommend it for the big stuff... so one of you can keep the kids at the playground while stuff is loaded or unloaded.  you could probably get away with renting a truck and hiring some college students to do the moving for ya.   when packing... pack and label in the room it comes from and will go to.  so pack the kitchen, label and then leave it in the kitchen until move time.  you're a bit closer so you may be able to get away with a bunch of small trips.  if you can have some time where you are in possession of both places... that's handy.  



  • Thanks so much everyone!  DS is still in a crib - his room is on a different floor than ours so I am not comfortable transitioning him to the toddler bed until we move.  The new house (if we get the one we are making an offer on) is empty so hopefully we can get DS over there a few times before the move

    They are really good at entertaining themselves so I am not too worried about packing.  When the actual move happens I will probably take the kids and go to my family's house at the beach for a few days, at least until DS' room is set up and maybe we will leave toys and stuff for him to help put away

    Laura and Matt - where are you moving toon the east coast?

    DS 3.12.08
    DD 7.11.09
    DD 8.01.13
  • I just moved last week with my 2 year old but the new baby is still inside for a few more weeks :)

    He did ok. He's very verbal so he had an easy time telling us that he was unhappy the first night - I believe his choice was "I don't like it here. It's too different". We'd really made a big deal of bringing him over to the house a lot and talking up his new bedroom and trying to get him excited about it and showing him the backyard and things that would be more fun for him here. We also read a bunch of books before we moved about moving and talked about how all his toys would go with him and how mommy and daddy would go, too. He did pretty well. He definitely had a weekend of acting out and trying to get attention while we were unpacking but overall he's doing really well.

    We moved when he was 1 as well and I think the biggest thing there was just trying to keep his routine the same and make sure he had familiar objects around him at all times. So we kept some things out instead of packing them and moved them ourselves - maybe a few favorite small toys, made sure his bed was one of the first things set up, that sort of thing. 

  • we just did this laset weekend!

    We built the house, so the boys were familiar with it. Although baby #2 who is 10.5 months will adjust to anything. Our older one is now 22 months...but it was fine. my mom took them the move in day.

    they have adjusted fine...toddler is now in a twin bed (that's really the only thing he is dealing with & still it's fine).

    They are soooooo happy to have an outside yard & all this new found room to play with - good luck.

    Only advice, keep on the same schedule now matter what, that is what they know and need right now.

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