So I had an appt. with my acupuncturist yesterday. I was to be starting stims last night, so she said she would do the microcurrent electrotherapy on my lower belly to stimulate my ovaries. i barely felt it, it felt a tiny current.
How strange it was, didnt hurt, but hey if it helps! Has anyone else had this done??
Re: Acupuncture and electrotherapy?
12/08 DX - irregular cycles - unexplained IF
2/09 - 4/09 - Clomid, TI
5/09 - 12/09 - 4 IUI
3/10 - 7/10 - 2 IVF
11/10 - Frozen Transfer
3/11 - Dx Insulin Resistant & Hypoglycemic - treating w/ Metformin & diet
IVF #1-4=BFN IVF #5=BFP! U/S on 5/3 revealed TWINS!
multiple failed cycles, multiple IUIs, lap with ovarian drilling 4/2008
Finally BFP on 11/23/09 beta#1=36 beta#2 =62 beta#3=139
Liliana was born on March 27,2010 at 21w5d due to infection and pre-term labor
BFP #2 on 6/20/10 after Gonal-F and TI First u/s showed Twins!
TTC#2 since 02/2012 with out RE...
Back to RE 08/2016----- Cycle #1 10/2016 Femara 7.5mg=???