Philadelphia Babies

peds recs in Paoli

Any recs would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Re: peds recs in Paoli

  • Koz410Koz410 member
    kids first in is in an office building across the street from the paoli hospital.
  • Wade Townend Ped.  They are in the same building as the hospital. My hubby and I both went there as kids and now my daughter does.

     I love them!  They have gone above and beyond for us and our daughter.  She is very tiny and not gaining much weight, and they have helped us by checking every issue to make sure all was ok. 

    Dr. Mike went so far as to come in on New Years Day to get her test results and make sure she was ok!! Love them all!  And the nurses are fabulous too



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  • I know I am late in responding, but we love Dr Totoro at Paoli Pediatrics.  They are at the Paoli Hospital in the medical office building...  good luck!
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