Morning. I just brought the girls back to bed after feeding and remembered that I dreamt I was pregnant. It made me cry because I miss the little kicks so much lately. Maaah. Mini-vent over and off to bed again
my twins are close to a year old and I miss my belly still... esp since I'm remembering this time last year - being HUGE but feeling pretty good still - and loving how big my belly was - feeling like super woman cooking those 2 in there.... I miss not having to worry about my belly looking flabby - like it does now And of course- i miss having those boys with me every second of the day - but then i remember how much fun they are now and I love that they are out!
I miss mine all the time! I get so sad that I'll never be pregnant again (we always agreed on 2 kids). I would love to just be pregnant. I had a great pregnancy and loved every singleminute of it! But I love these girlies too
I miss mine all the time! I get so sad that I'll never be pregnant again (we always agreed on 2 kids). I would love to just be pregnant. I had a great pregnancy and loved every singleminute of it! But I love these girlies too
I agree it's bittersweet. It was soo much easier when they where in the womb. I mean no night feeding, no loud crying... but just like you said, to have outside babies is awesome
DH wants #4 asap but I'd like to give my body a short break after the twins. But I have something to look forward to
Me too, I have kind of a hard time with it because I know we're done and I'll never get to experience being pg again. I know we all complain of the aches and pains, but overall I really enjoyed being pg (especially with my singleton, literally had no aches or pains almost the entire pg and was actually disappointed when I went into labor because I knew I'd miss it - and yes I love having him on the outside more than the inside).
Re: I miss my belly :(
I agree it's bittersweet. It was soo much easier when they where in the womb. I mean no night feeding, no loud crying... but just like you said, to have outside babies is awesome
DH wants #4 asap but I'd like to give my body a short break after the twins. But I have something to look forward to