Two Under 2

Anyone been to Disney with a 1 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old?

My DH & I are thinking about taking the kids to Disney next year.  We want to take them on a plane trip with in the US to see how they do and what challenges we face. Eventually we would like to take them to Italy to visit family...which would be an every few years trip.

  Are there enough rides and activities that are age appropriate for them? Any tips would be very helpful. 

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Re: Anyone been to Disney with a 1 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old?

  • We just got back from Disney with our 14 mos old.  Honestly, there wasn't anything really for him.  He had more fun running around the resort.  He was scared of most rides and characters if they came too close. We did spent the most time at Magic Kingdom.  My 3,5 year old nephew loved it though!

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  • imagejkelly41:

    My 3,5 year old nephew loved it though!

    That should say my 3.5 year old nephew.  We were there a week and by the end, my brother and wife were repeating things they'd already done with him. 

    I love Disney though and will go back when the kids are older.  Good luck!

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  • My son had just turned 3, and my daughter was 18 months old when we went to Disney.  They did really well, and there are plenty of rides for them -- especially in Magic Kingdom.  But they really had the most fun at the shows -- and you can find them at all the parks, especially at Hollywood Studios where they have all the Playhouse Disney characters.  The only drawback to this age were naps.  But we stayed on property to make our lives easier -- we'd just head out in the early morning, leave the parks around 1pm for naps, then head back to the parks after they napped and eat dinner.  It wasn't too bad, and all in all, it was a fabulous trip.  We plan to go back when my son is 6.5 and my daughter is 5.  They don't nap anymore, so we think they'll get more out of the trip.  Good luck with your plans!
  • We just got back with our 22 month old and 4 month old (at the time).  Our son LOVED it...our 4 month old could go on a lot of the rides with us as well.  DS loved the characters and just seeing all the people...a good stroller is key!!  Of course it would have been even more fun if they were all like 5 years old, but we plan on going back!
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  • I definitely don't plan on spending the money / going though all the work it takes to do this until the kids are a bit older...even though I can't wait to take them on trips like this! They would have just as much fun going to the Disney store in the mall : )
  • We took our then 14 month old last October and he had a ball!  We were surprised at how much there was for him.  I think I had more restrictions being pregnant than he did!  We loved it so much we are going back this fall- DS1 will be 26 months and DS2 will be 7 months.  DS napped in his City Mini during the days in the parks, and we plan to have the City Select for double naps this time.  They have special brochures in each park for attractions for toddlers and babies.  You can also re-enter the park on the same day if you need to get out for naps or just a break.  Just don't expect to do too much in any one day and you can have a great time.
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