Hi girls,
So after my first failed IVF, I decided to take a break from the boards and get myself back on track. It was quite devastating after having such high hopes with IVF#1, but I'm back and finally feeling excited for IVF#2.
I went on a week long vacation to Florida and just got back today. It was great to get away for a while and just relax. I started lupron while on vacation and will most likely start stims either Tuesday/Wednesday this week for IVF#2. As a side note -- on Friday while preparing my morning lupron injection, the vial of lupron fell out of my hand and cracked all over the resort bathroom floor. I was in a panic and I'm sure all the nurses at my RE's office thought I was a dodo for dropping my vial of meds while I was away on vacation. I called every pharmacy in the greater Orlando area and NONE had lupron in stock. So I had to get my specialty pharmacy to overnight a new 14 day lupron kit to me on vacation. I almost had a stroke dealing with this... oh the joys of stupidity. Needless to say I am now drawing up ALL my meds on a soft services. What an expensive mistake.
I have missed all of you girls and I want to say congrats to any and all of the BFP's, ER, ET, and other great news I've missed on my break from the board and hugs to those with not so great news. I'm super excited to be back and offer my support again! Hope everyone is doing well...
P.S. I'm sending out my Angel Exchange gift tomorrow morning and looking forward to receiving mine in the mail hopefully sometime this week. Can't wait!!!
Re: Hi Girls/Back after Month Break/IVF#2
Twins born too early at 23 weeks due to incompetent cervix
FET #1, IUI #1, 2, 3, 4 - all BFN
IVF #3 BFP!!! IT'S A BOY! Born July 16th, 2011
FET #2 BFP! Due February 15, 2013