how did it go yesterday? You went in for the trigger shot yesterday, night? I have been away since Friday so I have missed all updates on here, but I saw you were going in. I hope things went well!!!
I actually give myself the trigger at home. I had another clinic visit yesterday and my progesterone starting rising = my body was trying to take control of this ship on its own. So I had to trigger last night. My retrieval is tomorrow (7:15 a.m.)
I'm excited but a little disappointed that I couldn't make it one more day. I hope that some of the smaller follicles surprise me. I guess we'll see.
Did everything get straightened out with your meds?
yeah, I finally got them on Thursday and started my 1st shot on Thursday night. I got the full calendar when I was there on Wednesday. I will do this months mock cycle, then if all goes well, stim shots will start 1st week of June.
Thats so exciting though to go in tomorrow!! Hoping everything goes great between yesterday and today and you get lots of beautiful eggs!! I know your ovaries are rockstars!!!
Re: nikinikinine
hey there
I actually give myself the trigger at home. I had another clinic visit yesterday and my progesterone starting rising = my body was trying to take control of this ship on its own. So I had to trigger last night. My retrieval is tomorrow (7:15 a.m.)
I'm excited but a little disappointed that I couldn't make it one more day. I hope that some of the smaller follicles surprise me. I guess we'll see.
Did everything get straightened out with your meds?