All The Three Amigos made it and were transfered! Yaay!
Now the wait begins! at least I get to spend the noext couple of day in bed while DH takes care of me
So we had 2 - 8 cell, 1 quality 2 and 1 quality 3. The other was a 12 cell quality 3. The embryologist said the 8 cell q2 was pretty 1 of these has to be sticky enough to hang aound for 9 months!
Re: Transfer done!
Yay!! Those numbers sound great and your embaby pic is sooooooooo cute......I think it looks just like you already! I'm sending all the sticky dust I have your way!! Keep thinking positive and have fun having DH cater to your every whim!
IUI #1: December 2008 - BFN
IVF #1: Microdose Lupron - July 2009; only got 1 egg; BFN
IVF #2: Natural IVF - Sept 2009; BFP!; D&C Nov. 2009
IVF #3: Natural IVF - ER: Feb 4, 2010 - 1 "M2" egg retrieved; ET: Feb 9; Beta#1 (19dpo): 2567; Beta #2: 6933; BFP w/ singleton w/strong hrtbt! DS born October 2010
IVF #4: Natural IVF - ER: Nov. 20, 2011; ET: Nov. 25, 2011; BFP! Beta#1 (19dpo): 1918; Saw hrtbt on 12/28/11!
Behold the power of the bumpie sticky dust. I command thee- stick baby stick!!!
I'm so glad you went for it and all 3 embies made it. Whew-hew!
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
Congratulations Char!!
Forgive me while I break out in song. . . "Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever!!!"
Stick baby(ies) stick!!!
My Blog
Absolutely love the pictures, Char! Rest up and praying good thoughts for you in the next two weeks!
The Three Amigos have a cheering section!
What beautiful pictures - stick amigos stick!
(yes I needed to yell and swear).
Those are some beautiful babies!!! Now listen little ones. You need to stick stick stick to your mama.
Char when is your beta? I'm sending you all of my sticky juju.