
trigger question

(I posted this on the GP board over on the nest, so forgive me if you're reading it twice)

I triggered on Friday (abt 5pm), but my chart doesn't show much of a raise to indicate ovulation. If you've triggered, how long until you O'd? I'm getting really nervous that it didn't work.
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Re: trigger question

  • I usually ovulated about 36-40 hours after the trigger shot. 
    TTC with unexplained IF since 8/2007 6 losses, one beautiful perfect boy in our arms Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • ovulation occurs 36-40 hours after trigger. You probably won't be able to chart these things well if you are taking meds and triggering.

    If you are using TI (which it sounds like you are doing) have sex the morning after trigger, that night and if possible the following morning.

    Yes it's a lot but it's your most fertile window.  

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  • Alright, I'm just going to have to trust my body is cooperating. We had sex the night of trigger, the next night and this morning, so hopefully we got it covered. :P Only time will tell I guess. Thanks for the response.
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  • I triggered on Friday at 10 p.m. and this morning at my u/s (IUI) thye could see that I was 1/2 way through ovulation - so it was 36 hours.


    m/c#1 07/16/08 (11 weeks), m/c#2 10/10/08 (8 weeks). and then nothing since except every test possible (no answers). IUI#1 and #2: BFNs Super lucky to be buddies with Peetie. Our out of nowhere, surprise DD born 5/29/2011
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