for golf lessons?
DS LOVES golf. I think he is obsessed. He watches it on TV, plays in the front yard for an hour we have a local putt putt course at the park that has 2 18 hole cpurses and we have to play both courses when we go. He would play a 3rd time if we would let him. Today we went to the drving range and he hit a hole bucket of balls himself (approx 80-100 balls in the bucke took about 30-45 mins) he then begged us to hit another bucket. The men at the range saw how excited and interested he was in hitting etc... and they said they offer lessons at his age and basically just teach them to stand properly, get their hands correct but nothing major at this age due to their attention spans at this age. 5 lessons are $125 lessons are approx. 45-60 mins long depending on childs attention etc.... I'm not sure if they were just BSing saying they have dones lessons with other kids his age (just to earn business) or if 3.5 is actually "old enough" depending on DC to start. This is the only activity that keeps his attention for more then 10-15 mins at at time.
Re: Do you think 3.5 is too young
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
Agree with this totally.
In my mind, it is no different than starting a girl in dance or gymnastics classes at this age.
Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11
I think it's worth a try. My DS#1 started begging for piano lessons when he turned three years old (he is REALLY into music) and at 3.5 years old we finally decided to go ahead and do it. It was tough to find him a teacher (most formal piano instruction doesn't begin until 5 yrs) but we met with a private teacher at a music institute who "interviewed" him to assess his readiness and went ahead and took him on. He has now been playing the piano for 2 years and played in 4 concerts
He can read the notes and everything! So, my point is, I think if kids show an early interest in something, go for it!!!!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005