I'm starting to just browse online for items for the babies. I don't know which strollers to look at the side-by-side or tandem. Any help or reviews on strollers would be great.
Depends on what you want to do....I use my SBS most often, but it isn't for mall/shopping.
The Graco Quattro Duo, Kolcraft Contours, and new Chicco Together are the three strollers that I'm aware of that accommodate 2 infant seats. There is one SBS (maybe a Baby Trend? I'm not sure) that will take 2 seats, but no way would it fit thru a std doorway. I have the Graco Quattro Duo - and love it for what it is. I bought it when I was having DD1. I haven't tested out the Chicco Together, but I'm a huge fan of their products (i have a Chicco KeyFit seat and 3 of their strollers). Had the Together been out before my twins were born, I would have sold my Graco and bought a second Chicco seat, no doubt about it. The Kolcraft is nice because it can act like a DSNG, then you have the toddler seats (which can be attached in a variety of combos, but with the toddler seats you have to still remove one of them to fold it. My cousin has the Kolcraft and the Graco, and likes he Kolcraft better for the variety of seating options.
For a SBS, you'll want to check the overall width. My Chicco Ciatta is 30" and some doorways are snug, but I haven't found one that it won't fit thru yet.
You also may want to consider a jogging stroller if you do a lot of outdoor stuff (esp in grass/gravel). Consider one with a locking swivel wheel in front unless you only plan to jog with it. I'll be ordering the Baby Trend Dbl Jogger this week to use primarily for DS's sporting stuff.
If I had it all to do over again.....(and the Chicco still wasn't out! lol) I'd get a DSNG, with 2 Chicco seats. Then at about 6 months, I'd get the City Select (if I had the money) or get the City Micro Dbl. (and still a cheaper jogging stroller for above reason).
I have a double snap and go, a graco side by side still in the box, and a graco quattro duo. We got the snap and go second hand and it handled weird, but was great post c section weight wise. I haven't used the side by side yet, but will when going to parades, trips to grandma's etc, and the quattro I love love love, but it is heavy!
We have the double snap and go (love it!), Bob Ironman (for jogging once they get a little older), Graco duo glide (love it too with snuzzlers to support infants), Peg Perigo (don't like this one at all!!).
We started with a DSNG which I think is a must. It's super-lightweight and easy to use and it will work for several months until you figure out what you really use a stroller for. When my DDs outgrew the DSNG (well, their infant seats) at about a year, we moved to using 2 strollers--we have a Phil and Ted's Sport that we use for outings to the mall, zoo, walks, etc. I love this stroller because it's a double that's essentially the size of a single. It drives beautifully too which makes it great for both the mall and the outdoors. For quick trips into the grocery store or Target or other places that space (or a stroller that drives really well) isn't an issue, I have a Combi side by side that I use. I got it used and like it for these types of trips because it's lightweight and super-easy to unfold and fold.
2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
You must get one that accomodates infant seats. You have your choice and DSNG is very popular. We started with that (a used one) and just switched to the Kolkraft Contours (you have to buy the second infant seat attachment). I have to say I love it and am selling our DSNG! I also think you need to get one front and back, not just a side by side, because it's so much better for getting through places, etc.
Re: Stroller?
Depends on what you want to do....I use my SBS most often, but it isn't for mall/shopping.
The Graco Quattro Duo, Kolcraft Contours, and new Chicco Together are the three strollers that I'm aware of that accommodate 2 infant seats. There is one SBS (maybe a Baby Trend? I'm not sure) that will take 2 seats, but no way would it fit thru a std doorway. I have the Graco Quattro Duo - and love it for what it is. I bought it when I was having DD1. I haven't tested out the Chicco Together, but I'm a huge fan of their products (i have a Chicco KeyFit seat and 3 of their strollers). Had the Together been out before my twins were born, I would have sold my Graco and bought a second Chicco seat, no doubt about it. The Kolcraft is nice because it can act like a DSNG, then you have the toddler seats (which can be attached in a variety of combos, but with the toddler seats you have to still remove one of them to fold it. My cousin has the Kolcraft and the Graco, and likes he Kolcraft better for the variety of seating options.
For a SBS, you'll want to check the overall width. My Chicco Ciatta is 30" and some doorways are snug, but I haven't found one that it won't fit thru yet.
You also may want to consider a jogging stroller if you do a lot of outdoor stuff (esp in grass/gravel). Consider one with a locking swivel wheel in front unless you only plan to jog with it. I'll be ordering the Baby Trend Dbl Jogger this week to use primarily for DS's sporting stuff.
If I had it all to do over again.....(and the Chicco still wasn't out! lol) I'd get a DSNG, with 2 Chicco seats. Then at about 6 months, I'd get the City Select (if I had the money) or get the City Micro Dbl. (and still a cheaper jogging stroller for above reason).
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***