Two Under 2

20 months apart

Just found out :)  What do I have to look forward to? :)
Owen is 2.5 yrs old and Molly is almost 1!

Re: 20 months apart

  • Moments like this are what you have to look forward to :)





    Plus, see siggy :) Mine are 13.5 months apart.

    It will be so much fun, but it won't always be easy!

    Congrats on your pregnancy!

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
  • thank you!
    Owen is 2.5 yrs old and Molly is almost 1!
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  • love, love the pics!! mine will be 20 months apart as well!! I cant wait
  • Congrats!! My girls are 20 months apart, and I love it! Of course there are hard moments when they both want/need your attention & you can't give it, but it is so much fun. They are starting to interact now & it is so cute to watch them. They really adore each other Smile

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageNaplesWifey:
    Congrats!! My girls are 20 months apart, and I love it! Of course there are hard moments when they both want/need your attention & you can't give it, but it is so much fun. They are starting to interact now & it is so cute to watch them. They really adore each other Smile

    ditto this :) My girls are also 20 months apart. It's so great!! I love how DD1 is so protective of her little sister.. and she'll wake up from her nap and shout "Allie!! Hi Allie! Lets go wake up Allie!" Or if DD2 is already awake, DD1 will say "Hi Allie! I love you Allie!" It's jut the sweetest thing. They're so great together and I wouldn't trade it for the world :)

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • Mine are also 20 months apart, and I would like to say ditto again! My daughter's face lights up when my son enters the room, she watches everything he does, and she actually cracks up at him (laughs harder tahn she does for anyone else!)  He loves his sissy and always asks for her and has since the beginning! Sure there are some challenges and it was a little tough adjusting in the beginning, but it is so worth it every day and I wouldn't change a thing!
  • Mine will be 21 months apart.  I can't wait to see them play and interact with each other!
    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Mine are 19 months apart and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  They are are so cute together already.  My youngest just smiles and laughs anytime he talks to him and my oldest looks for him the minute he gets out of bed in the morning.  Sure there are some rough moments but there was with just one kid too!

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My sons are 20 months apart, and I'm loving it so far. Granted, it's only been a week, but DS1 already seems to adore his little bro. I'm looking forward to them growing up friends. The double diapers are not fun though.
  • Mine are 18 months apart and I agree with everyone else...I love it!  The first 5-6 months were tough because DD#2 wasn't sleeping through the night so it was rough keeping up with a toddler and a newborn...but now they both sleep so great and it's so fun.  DD#1 is so great with her sister...I haven't seen any signs of jealousy...she entertains her when I'm trying to get things done around the house and DD#2 loves her big sister! have so much to look forward to!   It's such a great feeling to see your children interacting with each other and loving on one another:)
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