Two Under 2


I just found out I am pregnant with #2. Thoughts are running through my head like crazy already. haha.

The first one was about furniture though, I have one set (convertible crib, dresser) Do I get another crib set? or do I pass that one down and move my 18 month old into a toddler or twin bed??

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Re: Hi

  • Mine will be around 18 months apart too (hopefully anyday now).

    DD (is 17 months) and is still in her crib.  She's not ready for a "big girls bed". 

    We borrowed a crib from a family member for DS and bought a dresser from craigslist.  It'll work for now until DD outgrows her crib and we can buy her a "big girls" bed.

    Good luck and congrats!

  • Mine will be 20 months apart, but we have already transitioned DS to a full size floor bed, he loves the extra room and the flexibility of being able to get out of bed in the morning. For now we have his bed and a cradle for LO2 in his room, if new baby ends up being a girl then we will have to re-think the set up.

    Good luck with your new found JOY! 

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  • Thanks for the responses. Sorry I didn't check back until now.
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