Yay!!!!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed!!!!! Good luck!!!!
PCOS diagnosis~can't remember how many years ago
Several cycles of Clomid with OBGYn ~BFNs
11-09 Initial Consult with RE
12-09 Changed to a different RE
1-2010 CCT-BFN
2-2010 Rest Cycle, Waiting for AF..where are yOU?
3.5.2010 RE found a cyst....Rest another month
3.12.10 AF
3.13.10 Cyst still there....on BCP until next month
4.10.10 Starting Lupron/Gonal-F/Luveris
April 2010 IVF #1 ~ BFP
5.5.10 Beta #1~150
5.7.19 Beta #2~300
5.19.10 1st u/s 2 sacs~~
5.25.10 2nd u/s 2 heartbeats~twins
EDD 1.12.11
Delivered on 11.28.10 due to HELLP syndrome at 33w 4days myblog
Congrats, that is great news. And you and I will be almost on the same schedule. I start stimulating Thursday or Friday! Come on positives!!!!!!
TTC#1 since 7/07 with MFI and Endo/PCOS
IUI #1 and #2 with 50mg of clomid= BFN
IUI#3 with 100mg of clomid and Bravelle= BFN
Lap surgery 11-18-09= found Stage IV Endo
Three months of Depot Lupron Shots and adding 2000mg Metformin
IVF w/ ICSI May 2010 = BFP, M/C at 6 weeks
Break to lose weight, down 60 pounds and gearing up for IVF #2 in August 2011
Re: Insurance came through!
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
PCOS diagnosis~can't remember how many years ago
Several cycles of Clomid with OBGYn ~BFNs
11-09 Initial Consult with RE
12-09 Changed to a different RE
1-2010 CCT-BFN
2-2010 Rest Cycle, Waiting for AF..where are yOU?
3.5.2010 RE found a cyst....Rest another month
3.12.10 AF
3.13.10 Cyst still there....on BCP until next month
4.10.10 Starting Lupron/Gonal-F/Luveris
April 2010 IVF #1 ~ BFP
5.5.10 Beta #1~150
5.7.19 Beta #2~300
5.19.10 1st u/s 2 sacs~~
5.25.10 2nd u/s 2 heartbeats~twins
EDD 1.12.11
Delivered on 11.28.10 due to HELLP syndrome at 33w 4days