Bittersweet b/c I'm in love! But happy b/c Bowie has a home lined up. I get to keep him for 2 more wks so he'll be 9/10wks old when he goes.
I'm hoping Bessie gets a home by then too b/c it'll make me sad to see her all by herself.
Of course, I still have sweet momma- but I don't crate them together b/c if I did the pups would nurse and they definitely don't need to anymore.
I'm also hoping MH's friend still wants momma.
Anybody want Bessie? She's a sweetie! It would be awesome if she went to a great nestie...hint,hint, wink, wink...
I knew it'd be hard to give them up, but I think I'm actually going to get teary eyed and cry like a baby when he goes. I'm such a sucker. But his new mom promises to send updates/pictures etc... so I'll look forward to that.
Re: Foster dog update- :-)
That's great that Bowie has a home!!
Did you hear about the dog on I-290 the past two days? I hope he finds a good home!
That's great news! They are so lucky to have you!
And so, so precious..
You know I'd LOVE to take Bessie but 3 dogs is definitely my limit right now.
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
Yes, I heard bits and pieces about that dog. I bet he'll get adopted quick b/c of his story. Lucky dog
Yes, you practically are a co-owner now- since you did think of her name. And.. you do have pyr experience. And you have two male dogs which is good b/c they prefer to place females in homes w/o other females...
Plus, she could help keep Watson young and get him exercise more when she pesters him. hehe
Seriously though, I'd be so happy if you did take her- then I'd be able to get updates on her and know she's at an awesome home!!
Tell you husband that I currently have 3 big dogs and it's not too much more work. Plus let him know that I have 6 right now w/ my fosters.. so at least you're not asking for 6.
I tried to pull that on my husband to let us keep Bowie (I'd love to keep Mallory, but I think Bowie would fit in best w/ my male pyr- he can get grumpy w/ mallory)- anyways the person taking bowie currently has two pyrs and a keeshond. So I said- they have 3 dogs and are getting him, why can't we keep him? didn't work.
awwww, they're all so beautiful!!!
I wish I could take one, but DH says one (slightly spastic terrier) is enough!