I took the littles to the mall yesterday, and some old lady asked me if they were TWINS. Um, really? DS was sitting in the double stroller eating a pretzel stick, and DD was lying in my lap on a bench drinking a bottle. The picture below clearly shows my children do NOT appear to be twins. I expected we'd probably get this a lot when they're like 5 and 6 or older, but now? People are ... weird.
Re: No, they're not twins.
We get that all the time (pretty much every time we go out now), and it started pretty early for us too! I mean DS2 is a big boy, but I still can't believe people thought/think they're twins.
Cute picture of your two little ones!
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
I went shopping at Kohls with DD1 when I was extremely pregnant with DD2. I bought matching dresses in 24m and 3m sizes. The cashier asked if I had twins. Yes, one large twin that is in the stroller cart and one tiny twin that is under my shirt.
hahaha! This is halarious.
LOL love it!
Bwahaha. "I'm a medical miracle!"
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012