I am planning (key word, planning) on having a drug-free birth at the hospital with my twins. I have had one hospital birth, had the epidural and all that good stuff. After that I had three home water births. I would do a home birth with these two if I were allowed to but I can't. Too risky and I have to do what's best for the babies. Did anyone else have a drug-free twin birth?
Re: Did anyone not have an epidural when they delivered?
I was planning not to have an epidural (didn't for my first) but my OB recently told me they want you to in case you need a c/s last minute for baby b. But she said we could talk more about it. From the research I've done, a lot of the women who deliver A naturally and then need and emergance c/s for B need to be knocked out anyway because supposedly the dose of meds they give you in the epi needs to be jacked up for a section and there isn't time for the higher does to kick in. Not sure if that's true but I plan on asking at my next appt. I guess the other reason they want you to have an epi is because once A come out if B is breech the may need to piscally reach up the and pull B out...which you'd probably want an epi for.
I like the idea of pp to get the test dose administered and that's it unless you need more. I'm going to have to see if that's an option. I hate the idea of not being ableto feel what's happening. But I'm sure I'd hate being asleep while one of my babies is born. It's a hard choice. But in the end no one can force you to have an epi.