Parenting after a Loss

How do you know? Re: allergies

I've been wondering for a while if DD has any allergies. It's so hard to know since know I BF and FF. She's on the gentlease and I asked the pedi about switching to a soy based formula, but he said it may not help at all and thinks that things may get better shortly as her system matures since she's almost 4 months.  She's been extra cranky/fussy since Monday. Screaming, crying and I'm never sure why. I think she may be teething, which I guess could explain the screaming coming and going right?  But part of me wonders if her belly hurts. She's a very gassy baby, always has been.  Since Monday she goes from fine and smiling to screaming on and off all day.  I just wish I could figure out what it was and fix it.  She also has some bumps/rash on her arms and legs. Sometimes the little bumps are skin colored and sometimes they get red.  I have sensitive skin so I'm not sure if she does also, or there could be an allergy.

Wow, sorry that was long. Thoughts?

Re: How do you know? Re: allergies

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    When DD had the bumps on her skin it turned out to be a skin allergy to the lotion and soap we were using.  I had to stop using it and go straight to cetaphil and eucerin until it cleared up, then I could introduce a different soap again, she was like a new baby.  The irritation of her skin caused her to be extremely fussy and cranky when something would rub against it. 

    However, when DD is gassy she is also extremely fussy when she is about to pass gas, and then once she has passed it she is happy. 

    So it could be either I guess.

    Have you tried Good Start Gentle?  I've heard from multiple people that Gentlease was worse for their babies and once they started Good Start it was like a whole new baby.  Just a thought?

    EDD: 01/08/10, Born 8 weeks early on 11/16/09 at 32w3d due to pre-eclampsia and partial abruption
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I would try some Alimentum formula and you should cut out dairy and soy. 

     Then slowly add back in soy to your diet and put DC on a soy formula.  Watch out for hidden is in more things than you realize and it is called different things (ex: caseine).

     Around 3 weeks, DS would occassionally projectile vomit.  We ended up treating him for reflux (first Zantac, then Prilosec).  He was then on soy formula and after about a week his poop smelled like sulfer/rotten eggs.  The pedi said that he had a soy allergy too! 

     We put him on Alimentum for a while and I cut out dairy and soy and he is 100 times better!  He is EBF (EP) and I miss dairy/soy like crazy, but DS is happy (and Alimentum is expensive).  Good luck!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers 1st m/c July 2008, 2nd m/c December 2008, Baby boy born in 2009!, 3rd m/c (c/p) June 2011, 4th m/c September 2011
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