
Late Intro

Hi Ladies:

 I've been a lurker on this board for quite a while, and finally decided it's about time I introduce myself (I apologize in advance for being a lurker for so long Wink.

 Here's a short version of my story - DH and I had tried for about two years to get pg, and after two early miscarriages, 6 failed rounds of Clomid and 4 failed IUIs, we finally got our BFP in late July of 2009.  At our first u/s, we found out it was twins!!  The first two trimesters of my pg were pretty uneventful and I felt relatively good.  At the beginning of my third trimester, we went in for an u/s and the dr. saw that my cervix had shortened significantly from the previous u/s, and was measuring less than 2.  I was taken up to L&D for some monitoring, and apparently I was also having contractions (not painful, just a stomach tightening that I really wasn't aware of at the time) - this was at 26w6d - long story short, I was in and out of the hospital for the entire third trimester with contractions and shortened cervix, and spent 10 weeks on bedrest and Nifedipine.  By some miracle I was able to cook the babies for 10 more weeks, despite frequent contractions and a slowly shortening cervix.

At our 37w appointment (I was actually only 36w6d that day, but whatever), the u/s showed that the blood flow through our daughter's cord was compromised, there was protein in my urine, and my bp was up significantly from my last appointment 5 days earlier - our dr. decided to deliver that day, and so two hours later, I was in the OR getting ready to have our babies. 

 Everett and Madeleine were born at 36w6d, at 1:10pm, weighing 5lb15oz and 4lb15oz, respectively.  They did great and did not spend any time in the NICU, and we all went home together.

 They're now 6 weeks old, and time is flying by - it's been really tough at times, since I've been at home by myself since they were 1 week old, but it's amazing how time flies and how much they are changing!  I go back to work in 2 weeks and am both excited and scared.

Anyways, I wanted to thank you ladies, as this board provided a lot of comfort and information while I was on bedrest and/or in the hospital, and has also been a great source of information for the time that I've been home with the babies.  

I hope to get to know all of you as we all share this very special journey of being a MOM.



Re: Late Intro

  • Congratulations and welcome! Glad you were able to keep the babies cooking an additional 10 weeks.

    The ladies on this board are wonderful! Looking forward to hearing more from you :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Congratulations and welcome!  I too was on bedrest for 5 wks due to frequent contractions and shortened cervix. I managed to make it 36w5d. My twins just turned one yesterday.  Hope to see you more often.
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  • Congrats on your little ones! So glad they cooked for a while longer.

    I see that you are in Chicago. I would love to tap into you for the resources you have found in the area.

  • hello and welcome! Don't took me a while to come out of "lurkdom" too lol :)

  • Welcome! Congrats on keeping those kiddos on the inside as long as you did!
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  • Congrats, and welcome!

    You're a Red Wings fan, but live in Chicago?  Oh dear, what do the Blackhawk fans say?  :wink:  I grew up in metro-Detroit, although don't live there anymore.

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  • Congrats on your new babies!!
  • Congrats from another Red Wing Fan living in Chicago :). I grew up in the Metro Detroit area, but live here now. How 'bout that game 7??
  • babyhyem - I haven't really looked into many multiples resources in Chicago, but I did contact a Moms of Multiples group in the Chicago area that meets once a month at members' homes - they also have a website and monthly newsletter.  I think the dues are $40 a year - I'm thinking of joining and hoping to meet some other MOMs in my area.  I live in the Edison Park area of Chicago.

  • SoldiersGreenBean and ErinCB - so nice to see other Red Wings fans :)

     I'm originally from Canton (between Ann Arbor and Detroit), but moved to Chicago nine years ago for law school - I met DH here and never moved back....I miss it though - I actually love downtown Detroit and we go out down there or to games whenever we are back in the area.

  • dec13thdec13th member
    Congratulations & welcome!
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