
Need Pot Luck help!

I'm going to a bridal shower on Sunday thrown by the Mothers of the bride and groom. Its 'pot luck' for 50 people. No one is really keeping track of who's bringing what. I have no idea what to bring. I feel like everyone is going to grab something convenient like a fruit/veggie platter or a pasta dish of some sort.

Do you think it would be a good idea to make a dessert? Or is that something everyone is going to want to bring? I've never been to a pot luck anything before.

Re: Need Pot Luck help!

  • There are always too many desserts and a million pasta salads - bring something that doesn't necessarily need to be hot, and doesn't need to stay cold, either. (in case it's outside)

    I'd bring bruschetta, or veggie pizza (cream cheese & ranch dressing with veggies on top) or spinach dip or something like that maybe ??

  • We always have pot lucks at church.  My go-to things are mac and cheese in the crockpot (the stuff will stay warm for a long time if you replace the lid with foil and wrap the pot in a towel to take it there) or taco salad.  I always try to bring a main dish because it seems like those are the things that are lacking.

    I would avoid a dessert because I would hope that, for a bridal shower, they would at least have a cake or something provided.  Let me know if you want recipes!

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  • I always bring warm spinach artichoke dip with tortilla chips and people seem to like it. 
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