Wish I could say I was glad to be back with you guys, but I think you'll understand and not take it personally. ;-) Embryo didn't grow past 4w6d (should have been almost 7 weeks) and I'm bleeding now. Can't wait for it to be over, not the most comfortable thing I've even experienced. Going for more bloodwork on Mon and hoping that I'll get the green light to TTC again soon since it happened so early.
Back on my diet today. LOL! At least it gives me something else to focus on.
Re: I'm back
I'm so sorry for your loss. Although you are very welcome, I wish you didn't need to be back.
I'm sorry...it really does suck. Sending you t&p.
I'm so sorry. I hope you can move forward soon. Until then, we're always here with (((((hugs))))) !