
Booster seat help

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Re: Booster seat help

  • with out spending a lot of money I don't think there are any.  Well It take that back one step ahead sells a foot rest. I know some people will say it isn't safe because it doesn't come as part of the carseat but I wouldn't have a problem using it if it makes her more comfortable.
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  • DD is about 40 inches too and she's in a Graco Nautilus.
  • Her legs are going to dangle with most any seat you get.  They aren't going to touch the floor in a lower framed seat either.  I would keep her in the Marathon.  Other seats that are more booster-like (that still have the 5-point restraint) aren't anywhere near as plush.  My kids have inexpensive ones in my DH's car.  They are lower, so they initially complained about not being able to see as well out of the car.  They also talk about how they aren't as comfortable and that they are "hard".
  • Annalise was similar size at 3 years... 36 1/2 lbs and 41 1/2". She's about 39-40 lbs now and around 43".

    She actually still prefers her Marathon. I think she has about 1/2" of torso growth left in it. We have it in our SUV in the middle seat, and she can rest her feet on the console in the front.

    Our other seat is the Graco Nautilus. She still has one slot to move up so at least 1 1/2" of torso growth. She was just telling me last night that she's almost too big for her seat because she can't sit in it with her legs crossed anymore. I really think she just doesn't always like to have her legs dangling like your DD, but I'm not sure any seat will solve that issue.

    Since your DD is tall, you may want to consider the new Britax Frontier 85. The top harness height is 20", and I think the Nautilus is around 18". It is pretty expensive, but I wish it was out when we bought our Nautilus. I think it's the only way we might get Annalise harnessed to 5-6 years. The bonus is that it converts to a high back booster (same as the Nautilus). If you eventually need a regular booster after that - those are only $25-30.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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