Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Weaning from formula to whole milk....

How did you or how are you planning on weaning your LO from formula to whole milk and at what age did you start?
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Re: Weaning from formula to whole milk....

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    we will start this weekend so we can watch for any reactions. I plan to try to give it to her straight, and if she fights me on it we'll do 50/50.
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    I just started.  She gets 2oz of whole milk & 5oz of formula in each bottle.  I'll increase an oz on whole milk every 2 weeks. 
    Photobucket Sydney Elise 5/9/09 Kate Reese 8/2/11
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    I am starting right now.  Your son is the same age as my DD and I've been putting about 2oz in her bottle and am going to work up to it becoming all milk.  Also because my DD doesn't seem to like any sippy cup but does like drinking from a bendy straw from a regular cup I give her a little bit of milk at her snack time to drink so she learns what it tastes like.  So far she seems to like milk and I think the transition will go fine.  My only dilemma is how to wean her off the bottle....she loves it and has no interest in age appropriate cups, only a cup and straw.
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    BTW, the reason I am doing it this way is because she didn't like the taste of whole milk & it constipated her pretty bad when gave her a full bottle of milk.

    The biggest issue is that she hates cold milk...This is a problem since warming it is a pain!

    Photobucket Sydney Elise 5/9/09 Kate Reese 8/2/11
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    I just has this conversation today! Starting at 11 months we will slowly add 2 oz of milk to his formula every 5 days so by the time he turns one he should be having just solid milk!
    Diabetic, 2IF, PCOS; blessed beyond words to be called "mommy" to Drew (6/30/09) and Alynn (5/16/11).
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     Andrew David: mixed receptive/expressive language phonological disorder, sensory processing disorder, Disruptive Behavior disorder-nos and insomnia.

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    We started just after they turned one.

    For DS, we mixed 25/75, then 50/50, then 100% whole milk.

    For DD, she took to it right away, so we didn't have to mix.

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    Our Pedi said not to switch until 1 year and then we can switch cold turkey.  We'll probably start going 1/2 and 1/2 at first.
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    Missed m/c 10/25/10 @ 11.5 weeks

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    We followed our pedi's recommendation. We started at about 11 1/2 months. We did one ounce whole milk, increasing the amount by an ounce every 3-4 days. DS will be on straight milk by the time he is one.

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     Married 7/15/06 | DS 5/1/09 | DD 7/24/14 

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