So fun to have a new "home base!" I know we were on the fence on 24+ but it really seemed about time. I know I'll still be on there as well, but love that we have a place here as well!
Here's my AW for the week:
I observe a lot of teachers as part of the hiring process for my program. I was in a preK classroom on Monday observing a lesson about the season. In the back of my mind I can't help but wonder if DD would have any of this down. Next morning there happened to be a cartoon on where it was snowing. Asked DD when it snows and she says winter. I point outside and ask what it is now, says "after winter" then "spring." I don't give the poor kid enough credit!
Then I was blown away last night while reading and she points to the right and says, "Mommy, that's right?" Of course then I laughed when she pointed the other way and said "and that's out?"
They're so funny. I thought I'd just help kick off the board w/ a little story! I know we'll all have tons more to share
Re: How exciting! And I have a new preK story to share:)
Very cute! My kids also kind of picked up on left and right on their own. I don't remember really setting out to teach them left and right. It just kind of happened!
Of course, my DD lacks lateral dominance. She's nominally left handed, but more confused than anything!