
Baby Bunnies

DH found a nest of abandoned baby bunnies yesterday at his store.  It's on a main street so the mother most likely got killed by a car, she hasn't been seen for days.  He is sending the bunnies to a wildlife refruge to be saved.  They are so cute, you almost want to keep them but that wouldn't be good for them since they are wild bunnies.


Re: Baby Bunnies

  • They are soooo cute! We have hundreds of them hopping around outside work and they always make you smile when you wlk past them!

    L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)!  (Irish names)
    Too busy to update the pics for now ... :)

  • You will seldom see a baby bunny with a mother in the nest.  I can assure you if the babies were still alive the mother has been back.  It is probably too late for them now that you have handled them.  The mother will not come back if she smells humans.  Someone posted to a similar post that she had put a little vicks vapor rub on the babies and put them back and it had worked to cover the smell.  Bunnies to not stay in the next with the babies.  They do their best to keep predators away by being careful coming and going to and from the nest and will be gone for long periods of time. 

    People should leave the nest alone.  Most wildlife rescues will not take baby bunnies.  This happens way to often.

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  • I already know that the mother bunny only comes back at night so you won't usually see her, but there were already a couple dead bunnies in the nest and the ones that were alive were dehydrated which is a sign that they have been left.  Also, they were found when the lawn was getting cut and it's pure luck that he noticed the nest.  He already called the rescue. 
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