I can't seem to give up my morning coffee. I bought raspberry and green tea instead, and it's just not the same. And decaf is not the same.
Also, I am still having the occasional drink or two or three if it's the weekend. I feel like until I have a BFP it's still fair game!
I am wondering if hanging on to these habits is possibly part of the problem. Hmmm........
Re: are you living as cleanly as you would if you were definitely pg?
Ha! My mom did the breakfast of champions with me - basically got off the night shift and went out for a drinking session. It was 1973 and she was 23 years old. I'm fine - not that she did it repeatedly but I do have to remind myself that sometimes we know a bit too much about the do's and dont's of modern pregnancy - just enough to drive ourselves a bit nutty.
Definitely not! I will have a few drinks on the weekend and I have a large tea every morning for the caffeine.
If the embryo doesn't even implant for 10ish days, I don't think it is even sharing our blood until around the time we would get a BFP. I may be wrong, but I think in moderation it is fine until (and if ever) I get a BFP!
Yeah, my mom lived with her parents b/c Dad was in Vietnam. Her dad smoked, and she drank soda like there was no tomorrow. Then my cousin tells the story of finding a photo of my aunt dated about a month before my cousin was born. My aunt has a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. Like I said, I think if we turned out OK after that, a daily cup of coffee or even a couple drinks that occur before the BFP arrives are probably fine!
I think you should live your life as you normally would before you get your BFP - and don't even think twice about it. Something like coffee isn't going to prevent you from getting pg.
When I was TTC #1 I was overly worried about all of that stuff too, and looking back on it I feel like it was unnecessary and stressed me out more. When we got pg with IVF #1 I was also super cautious - only had meat well done, didn't eat sushi, wore gloves when cleaning bathrooms, etc. I think at the time those things gave me peace of mind more than anything else.
Flashforward to now: I'm pg naturally and I got pg during a vacation - during which I was definitely drinking. I've also been way lax with 'rules' this time around: i've had my meat medium rare because that's the way i like it, i've had a couple pieces of raw sushi, i don't wear gloves cleaning and i've had an occassional sip of beer/wine. I just had a u/s a week ago and baby looks great and i'm not worried at all with my choices. you just have to do what you're comfortable with, without sacrificing things you enjoy that you may not need to. Everything in moderation is what I follow. Best of luck.
Ditto this exactly! Couldn't have said it better RSB!!