
Do you ever want to just go hide under a rock

So Cooper ds#1 is a real picky eater.And we were told not to worry about it to much until he turns 2 so I am really not going to stress about it. I have more important things to worry about. So next week dh leaves to go out of town Tuesday and comes home Sunday so MIL is coming into town in Thursday to help out.They are going back "home" to there summer home. The whole time she is here she will make new things for ds #1 to eat. And we will yet again go over will he eat this with every food known to man...I just get so sick of it..Anyone have any ideas to get him to eat more or just let him be? Her is what he eats. Cereal,biscuits,pancakes,rolls, yogurt,applesauce,crackers,goldfish,graham crackers. french fries, sometimes chicken nuggets from McDonald's. Let me think if there is anything else..

Re: Do you ever want to just go hide under a rock

  • If you figure out a way let me know!

    My DD's weight just dropped from the 25% to the 3rd because she refuses to eat anything and is totally unwilling to try anything new. My Ped hasn't expressed great concern, but it worries me. I just started giving her Poly-vi-sol so she gets some vitamins from somewhere.

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