
Feeling sick?

As you neared the day you delivered did you start feeling sick?

I've been feeling off here and there for the last couple of days, it's hard to pinpoint but similiar to how I felt during first tri.  I'll be starving and then I'll eat something and feel disgusting...

It comes and goes in spurts but something feels very different....

Re: Feeling sick?

  • I don't remember feeling sick, but I think my appetite went down.  If I did feel sick maybe it was overshadowed by my hip and pelvic pain and general lack of ability to move ; )
    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • I was actually up throwing up most of the early morning and I have not felt great for 3 days.  I was assuming that it was acid reflux, but was watching Birth Story today and they said vomiting is a sign of pre-e.  Now I'm kind of nervous because my swelling isn't awful, it just never goes away completely amymore.  My c-section is scheduled for 37w6d on May 13.  I'd really like to make it to this paoint without anymore complications.  I hope you start to feel better.
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  • My morning (all day) sickness came back in the end...around 32 weeks.  Some of it was high blood pressure, some of it was that I had/have gallstones and didn't know about it at the time causing really wicked heartburn!  Keep your meals small and frequent just like in the beginning...that seemed to help me.  GL!
  • I had an upset stomach the day before I delivered - next morning my water broke!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I did....the day before and morning of the day I went into labor I felt really tired and crampy. I also had diarrhea (sry tmi). That all started mid-sunday and I went into labor monday.
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