DD got the second to the smallest one with training wheels from walmart before she was 3 and has done fine with it. She got it for pooping in the potty, we tried for a LONG time.
We took DD to a good bike store to have them help us size her (she needs a 12 inch bike) and then we went to TRU and showed the a bunch of the ones in her size. She picked it out and will be getting it for her birthday in June.
DD got a 16" bike for her 3rd birthday. My ILs picked it out. I think it's from Walmart. The size is fine. DD just gets frustrated when her feet slip off the pedals and doesn't want to ride much longer.
Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Re: s/o Bike for 4yr old girl.
DD got the second to the smallest one with training wheels from walmart before she was 3 and has done fine with it. She got it for pooping in the potty, we tried for a LONG time.
ETA: Maybe it was the smallest one
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13