Yesterday, I had my monthly visit with my MFM. I see my OB and MFM on alternating two weeks. I had my monthly growth/anatomy U/S. The tech said she thought that Baby A (boy) only had 1 artery and 1 vein in his umbilical cord. Of course, I began to ask questions that she wouldn't answer. I got so worried I almost fainted.
When I saw the DR after the U/S he said that we will need to closely monitor you which we are doing anyway and not to worry. But, of course, being a mommy this is all I can think about. I am *trying very, very hard* not to google this information because I know it will only worry me more. He has a great heart rate and all the parts of his heart are perfect. He weighs about 13oz (44%) and our girl is 16oz (54%).
Anyone have any experience with this? TIA!!
Re: Question about Umbilical Cord on U/S
Two-vessel umbilical cord is fairly common. More often than not, it is an isolated finding and does not mean anything. So try not to Google!
There are a few things that can occasionally be associated with it, but the fact that you have a normal growth and anatomy scan makes those things highly highly unlikely. If you really want to know about these things, let me know. I'm a doctor and I'd be happy to "talk" to you about it. But really, in my profesional opinion, you have very little to be concerned about.
Try to not google. I did....and I'm so stresssed out now.
My baby A has a 'velamentous cord insertion'. I'm very worried.
My LO had a two vessel cord single umbilical artery (SUA).
I spent my entire pregnancy stressed. Don't be me.
He was monitored extra closely, had a fetal echo u/s and was checked out by a Pediatric Urologist after birth. He is a perfect in every way. I am so blessed to have a healthy baby boy.
Big - 1 year old
Bigger - 6 years old
Biggest - 13 years old