
Question about Umbilical Cord on U/S

Yesterday, I had my monthly visit with my MFM.  I see my OB and MFM on alternating two weeks.  I had my monthly growth/anatomy U/S.  The tech said she thought that Baby A (boy) only had 1 artery and 1 vein in his umbilical cord.  Of course, I began to ask questions that she wouldn't answer.  I got so worried I almost fainted. 

When I saw the DR after the U/S he said that we will need to closely monitor you which we are doing anyway and not to worry.  But, of course, being a mommy this is all I can think about.  I am *trying very, very hard* not to google this information because I know it will only worry me more.  He has a great heart rate and all the parts of his heart are perfect.  He weighs about 13oz (44%) and our girl is 16oz (54%). 

Anyone have any experience with this?  TIA!!

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Re: Question about Umbilical Cord on U/S

  • I personally did not, but my brother's twins had this in the female. From what I remember she had to deliver at 36 weeks because the female wasn't growing as quickly due to this but there were no other problems and all were born healthy and happy with no NICU time. Try not to worry...that can't help. Although I know that is easier said than done. 
  • Two-vessel umbilical cord is fairly common.  More often than not, it is an isolated finding and does not mean anything.  So try not to Google!

    There are a few things that can occasionally be associated with it, but the fact that you have a normal growth and anatomy scan makes those things highly highly unlikely.  If you really want to know about these things, let me know.  I'm a doctor and I'd be happy to "talk" to you about it.  But really, in my profesional opinion, you have very little to be concerned about.

    TTC Since 2007 M/C survivor twice in 2008 IVF twice at CCRM in 2009 TWIN BOYS born in July 2010 IVF again in 2011 BABY GIRL due August 2012
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  • Try to not google.  I did....and I'm so stresssed out now.  Huh?

    My baby A has a 'velamentous cord insertion'.  I'm very worried. 

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • One of my girls has this and I was worried too.  Just like you my anatomy scan went well and they did not see anything else that was wrong.  It can be an indicator of other problems, but since they didn't see any other problems it's unlikely.  At each growth scan they will want to make sure your boy is continuing to grow.  Both my girls are still growing well and I'm still hanging on at 37w.  So don't stress and don't google.  Let me know if you have any questions.
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  • My LO had a two vessel cord single umbilical artery (SUA).

    I spent my entire pregnancy stressed. Don't be me.

    He was monitored extra closely, had a fetal echo u/s and was checked out by a Pediatric Urologist after birth. He is a perfect in every way. I am so blessed to have a healthy baby boy.

    Robby's Blog

    Momma Bear
    Big - 1 year old
    Bigger - 6 years old
    Biggest - 13 years old

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My son had this and he is 100% perfect.  My peri told me not to Google and that if there was no other markers, than its usually nothing to worry about.
  • You all are making me feel better, and hopefully I can help also.  My baby b has something similar with his cord, I was crying too much at the u/s to really hear, but pretty much he's not getting enough nourishment, because of his cord, and he's not growing as fast as baby A.  They have to be monitored super closely, a level II, nst, and I think a bpp every week, starting next week, I'm currently 23 weeks.  I'm resisting the urge to google, because I know it will totally freak me out, so try and resist.  I'm trying to just send him good growth vibes, and be as positive as possible.  I'm sure everything will be fine with our babies, but I know it can be super scary sometimes.
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