
Anyone have a LO with a VSD??

One of my boys, Jacob, has a VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect). It means he has a hole in the wall dividing the left and right ventrical in his heart.  He has been doing fine and is eating, thriving and is comfortable.  We have been seeing a cardiologist to monitor it for now.  At the last visit there was no change.  He then said that we would look again when he was 6 months (in June) and if there is still no change, then we would discuss surgery (meaning open heart surgery).  I'm trying not to worry and praying that is closes on its own.

 I was just wondering if there was anyone else whose LO had one and what the outcome was.  Thanks! 

Edit: I totally forgot about the Special Needs board and have posted there as well.

Re: Anyone have a LO with a VSD??

  • My son is now 11.  He has one.  It is still there, and they never did surgery.  I wanted them to (close it) so he/I would not worry about it.  We've been thru LOTS of echos.

    The docs said if they were to close it, that they would do it in a cath Lab, (non invasive).  I guess they can do the surgery that way?  Docs all felt the hole was too small to repair, so we continue to watch it.

    GL to you.  Your LO is young, and I hope and pray his will close.  thinking of you.

    Btw, FWIW, my son plays all, swimming, diving lessons, football (he's a nose guard), lacrosse and soccer...oh, and baseball.  He is very active.  Although, as a mom, I worry daily, he is all boy.

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks.  I'm glad to hear your son is able to be active without restrictions.  His cardio said his is not too big, but not small either - its was 5mm at his echo done when he was a month...he also said that the cath option would not work for him.  :(  I am just hoping to avoid surgery on my baby when he is 6 months....

     Thanks again for the info!  :)

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