dh might be doing bedtime solo once this week... while i go drink wine with local MoMs. i'd like to set him up for success, so he'll let me out of the house again
how do you recommend doing it? in high chairs, or in boppy pillows (like when they were little)? usually we do bath or clean-up, pj's, and then bottles in almost dark room.
we're doing bath MWF, instead of everynight now (thanks goldie, for the suggestion), so we'll skip bath the night i'm out.
Re: those who have fed babies alone at night - bedtime ?
In Boppys! That way, if one falls asleep, he can continue to feed the other and pick each one up without disturbing the other.
Earley Family Blog
i told dh what you suggested, and his reply to me (not you!) was not polite. ha ha...
glad you like the bath suggestion no need for daily- we only do it 2x's a week (unless there is a NEED like poop everywhere!)
we have been dropping their bedtime bottle - they eat dinner at 6:30 and as long as they eat a lot - I don't give them a night time bottle anymore and they STTN just fine - so you might want to start dropping it if you think they can handle it - not the first night DH is alone- but soon... if they are eating a lot of solids.
We feed them laying on the couch (we have the cusion next to my seat propped up from underneath- they nap there often, too) with Gibby on the boppy and gray laying next to him. Gibby holds his own bottle- so we just have to hold Gray's for him.... if you need to do it in their rooms- i'd do 2 boppies.