Hi everyone! I'm 36 and just got my bfp Sunday!! I did three tests at home, then went to the neighbourhood medi clinic/minor emergency and they just gave me another urine test and they were all positive! I have to wait until Wed. to see my own Dr. Sooo excited.. and shocked!!!
We've only been trying for 4 months. My mom and sister both had trouble conceiving, and I'm older, i'm a bit overweight and a total stress-ball most of the time, so this is a complete shocker! I look forward to all of your stories, comments and posts!
Re: Newbie!! and Scared as heck!
Me: now over 40, careerwoman; DH: 34 love of my life
Blood work, anatomy and his SA = in fine shape say drs
Our journey so far:
7/09: BFP m/c 6w s/e/p, 2 rounds methotrexate
4/10 BFP m/c 6w D&C..it was a boy
6/10-2/11 TTC naturally, BFNs
3/11: Clomid cycle, BFN
4/11-9/11 TTC naturally, BFNs
10/11 IUI #1 BFN
Have to breathe over next few months.
Feb 2012: IVF #1, max stims, only 3 retrieved, all fertilized, only 1 transferred on Day 3. BFN.
RE says move to DE. DE it is.
DE IVF #1 - 10/29: 12 eggs retrieved, 10 fert. 11/2: Day5 transfer 2 'perfect' blasts. 4 blasts on ice. 11/11: Beta #1 at 9dp5dt = 72.7 11/13: Beta #2 at 11dp5dt: 30.3 c/p WTF appt 11/27: RE a little dumbfounded. Checking Thyroid panel again, Hysterogram as well; FET most likely in Jan. '13.have reconsidered a parallel path of adoption.
PAIF&SAIF always welcome
DD#1 - January 2008
DD#2 - September 2010
i am down with your fear.
Ha! I feel the same way at 37.
Make a pregnancy ticker