Nebraska Babies


I thought I would introduce myself. A friend turned me on to the Nest and mostly the Bump. My name is Laura, I'm 33 years old and I am getting married to a wonderful guy named Joe, who is soon to be 29 (I know, craddle robber, yea yea). We are getting married this September and we are planning to conceive right away. I've actually already had the pre baby meeting with my doctor. I will actually stopping my pills around the beginning of June. We really are hoping to be pregnant in September or October at the latest. 

 I'm hoping this site will help me with all those questions leading up to it and even after. I am going to be a borderline high risk pregnancy because I had surgery on my cervix due to cervical cancer. My doc has already told me she will probably have to sew me up so I don't go into labor early. So that part scares me the most right now. 

Re: New

  • Hello and welcome!  Congrats on the upcoming wedding and your soon to begin ttc journey!  Have you thought about charting and temping?  It made things so much easier for me when I was trying to get pregnant and for my best friend who had been trying for over a year for a second baby and finally got pregnant the first month after she started charting her cycle!  If you have questions about it I'd be more than happy to point you in the right direction!  Anyhow...welcome to TheBump!


    :)AJ Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hi ajmom, yes I actually talked to my doc about the different options. She gave me the charts and things to try it that way first. Then if I have trouble she mentioned about the thermometer or even the cycle test things at the drug store. I'm super excited and can't wait! It will definitely be an exciting coming months.
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  • My doctor actually told me that once you get off bc you have a better chance of getting pregnant right away because of the hormones when you first get off the pill. 

    I just got married this past December and went off the pill the week of our wedding.  I charted and then got pregnant in January.  So for me my doctor was right.

  • Well my doctor told me to go off a few months before because if we tried right away in the first month of going off, that the chances for twins increases big time. Plus I wanted to give myself a couple months to chart because my cycle has been so wacked on the pill I need to see how it is off of it. Especially since we are wanting to be pregnant at a certain time, she said I would want to chart for a couple months. 
  • Hello sexygrl77. I just thought I'd check out the bump this month too because I used the nest when I was getting married and loved the checklist. I didn't realize twins were likely the first month off the pill, I"m glad you said that! We're going to TTC after July, but I'm paranoid about my cycle going out of wack again with being off the pill. When you guys talk about charting, do you mean figuring out the half way point of your cycle where your most likely to ovulate?
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