So we had our first false alarm today. Over the weekend my mucus plug started coming out. YEA!
Since then I've had a watery/mucusy substance coming out, not continuiously, but often. When I laugh, cough, sitting, standing, etc.
So I was worried it was my water...bc we had an ultraounds last week and the babies were transverse. So the Dr said that if my water broke I had to go to the hospital ASAP, in case the cord got washed into the birth canal and got crimped.
Well I have been having contractions and horrible back pain, lots of pressure and just felt off. So I called the Dr this morning and she had me come in.
Surprising...I'm not dialated at all! NOTHING! But it appears that baby a is head down again and has been thrashing my cervix, which knocked the mucus plug free and is the cause of all of that fluid.
So we wait...I know I should be happy to have made it this far and glad things have gone well, but I ended up crying bc I want it to be over!
So now we wait...some more.
Re: Seriusly?
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