H & I have always wanted to have our children close in age and may be starting to try again at the end of the summer. Just wondering if you would recommend 2 under 2 to others. Or, if you don't, why not? All of my friends IRL have several years between kids... TIA!
Re: Would you recommend 2 U 2?
It's hard, I'll tell you that much. I look back and wonder how I ever thought having just DS was hard- what did I DO with all my time?!
BUT - I love having 2u2, I love that my kids will grow up together (just one grade apart in school), I love that DS won't ever remember life without his sister. I always wanted a sibling close in age (I'm 4 years older than my sister and 8 years older than my brother) and I'm glad my kids will have that. I also like that we never really left the baby stage (DS was 16.5 months when DD arrived) so it wasn't a shock to go back to diapers and night wakings and slaving to the nap schedule.
I think no matter when you add a 2nd (3rd, etc.) child it's going to be challenging. My mom said it was really difficult to have an 8 year old and a 4 year old and a newborn because our needs/wants were all so different and she couldn't please everyone.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
I love it and wouldn't have it any other way
I know it's still early for us, but it hasn't been nearly as bad as people make it out to be (in general I mean). Sure, logistics can sometimes be hard, but overall it's been a very easy adjustment. Going from 0-1 was way harder for me then 1-2. And seeing friends who have a bigger age gap between kids, it doesn't seem any easier for them. My DDs still entertain each other, play together (kinda, as much as they can at this age , no jealousy issues, etc.. it's been really great.
Now to add #3, we'll be waiting longer! I would happily wait 4 years and then do another 2u2, but we decided 3 kids max (DH only wants 2 but would agree to 3).
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
We certainly weren't planning on it. I thought 2 u 2 was crazy. But since the best laid plans are made to be broken we wouldn't change it for anything!!! We absolutely love having 2 u 2. The boys absolutely love each other and are constantly laughing and interacting with each other. There is no jealousy from DS#1 because he never really remembers being an only child. I will be honest it is hard at times but thankfully with a very supportive husband those are far and few between. Good Luck!!
I doubt you'll find many people telling you they regret one of their kids.
It's tough at first and frankly I can see now how it would be easier if I had a baby now when both my kids are older and better able to care for themselves.
But.... I wouldn't trade this for the world.
They're super tight and we're having a BLAST!
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
We didn't plan on having them this close in age but I wouldn't trade it for anything. YES it is hard at time especially in the beginning but once you get into a routine and #2 is more on a schedule it gets much easier. I like that DS doesn't remember being an only child and has shown little to no jealously. They play well together now and DS has always loved his baby sister and helping take care of her. I also like that they will grow up together and be close(or at least I hope they are).
My sister and I are 15 months apart and then my brother and I are only 3 years apart and we are all very close. It was good to have someone to play with all the time as we were growing up and I am glad DS and DD will have that as well.
There's good and bad to everything. DS was mostly unphased by DD's appearance b/c he was so young. They have a lot of the same interests b/c they're so close in age. We reallly haven't had many situations where one can't do something that the other can b/c they're not old enough. For the most part, they really enjoy playing together too.
That being said, it was really hard when they were little. But, I wouldn't let that stop me. Two years of tough going isn't much in the big scheme of things. They still fight plenty and there has been rivalry among them since they were young. That I think is more attributable to their personalities vs. the age difference and you never know what you're going to get. PG with a toddler was very difficult. I had no idea until I got PG with #3. This PG is a breeze in comparison. Having kids that STTN really makes a huge difference.
I always jump to say YES, we love it! And we do! But it occurred to me that if my DH were not so completely involved with the LO's (equally do baths, cook, laundry, pick up, etc) then having 2u2 could be pretty tough. Plus we both work (me, by choice), have great flexible schedules so our days are not hectic. So I would say it totally depends on your lifestyle and whether or not your DH is a good partner with your first LO.
Good luck on your decision!
I just wanted to thank everyone for their responses! It made me smile to read all of this positive and supportive answers. We want them close in age for many of the reasons several of you sited, we don't want #1 to remember life as an only child.
My H is a fantastic equal partner in this, so I have no doubt he would step up for #2 in the same way. I am so looking forward to trying again!