3rd Trimester

Travelling 2 hrs away 2 weeks before EDD?

I'm going to ask my OB about this at my next appt on Monday but I'm wondering what some of you have been told about traveling before your due date.


Re: Travelling 2 hrs away 2 weeks before EDD?

  • I asked just last week about traveling at 38 weeks. She said no way, you are not to be more than 45 minutes away from hospital...totally killed my plans to see a close friend one more time before baby was born...was only 7 weeks last time i saw this friend!!! Grrr!!! but i should also mention that part of it could have been due to the fact that @ 36 weeks i was 2-3 cm and thinning...
  • Not sure what your doctor will say but the only advise I have is look into the hospitals in that area beforehand.
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  • my last OB didnt want me traveling more then an hour away in the last month or so. 

  • Your doc will likely say no.  Mine did, but I decided to travel anyway and took a weekend trip to the beach (about 1.5 hours from our hospital) a week before DS was born.  It was fabulous and I'm so glad I went.  I had DS 4 days after I returned.

    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • Honestly, I didn't think to ask.  DH and I went to visit friends a little over an hour away at 37 weeks.  I have to say, though, the difference (for me) between 37 and 38 weeks is incredible.  I'm a lot less comfortable now, I don't know if I would have made the drive if it was this past weekend.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Huh. I totally just drove 2.5 hours away this weekend to go to IKEA. I was with my husband and honestly figured that now is better than later. If I had asked my OB I'm sure she would have said no... but I was comfortable doing it. Maybe it was stupid, but it worked out for me...
  • I wanted to go this weekend to my parents house 2 and a half hours away and was told that I needed to stay in town from here on out.  The cut-off for my OB is 34 weeks, but she said no because I was measuring 36 already and it was too risky.  Needless to say, baby didn't come this weekend and I would probably had been fine to travel, but I guess they rather you be safe than sorry and I would have refused to deliver at the hospital down where my folks live anyway (they almost killed my dad twice....not a good experience there).
    Married 2007
    DS - 5/2010
    DD - 6-2013
    TTC #3 - Cycle #9

  • I asked my Peri about travelling 1 1/2 hours away at 36 weeks. Since I have a history of premature labor, she said she'd only let me go if I took all of my medical records from previous and current pregnancies. There is a good hospital in Iowa City so it was fine but I'd better bring paperwork. Not worth it. I'll just stay home. I would prefer that anyway.
  • I wouldn't, my dr. told me at my last appointment that as of 2 weeks from now I shouldn't go anywhere more than an hour away.  Just because you feel well doesn't mean that the baby isn't going to come early and I wouldn't want to be 2 hours away from my doctor/hospital.  Just my opinion.
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