
Wondering if you ladies can help

I don't have multiples, but I'm going to be nannying (is that how you spell that word.. is that even the word?)  :o) for another girl 3 days a week.  She is about 2 months younger than my DD.  I will be bringing my DD to her house to watch them both. 

I feel as though I will be fine (or I wouldn't accept the job) but just wondering, if you have any tips for me.

How do you handle if they are both crying at once?  Do you feed them both at the same time?  (both girls will be bottle fed while I'm there). 

This is a repost from 3-6 and 0-3 so sorry for the duplicates in advanced!  Thanks for all your ideas!

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. - Led Zeppelin
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Re: Wondering if you ladies can help

  • If they're both crying at the same time, I care for who's been crying longer, is crying harder, or who I think needs something more (if one's hungry and the other wants to be held, I care for the hungry one first).

    I bottle feed both at the same time.  I have a reclining sofa (but would work in a regular sofa or an over-sized recliner.  I put one on each side of me laying flat and hold a bottle in each hand.

  • When mine would eat at the same time, I used to sit cross-legged with one across my lap (a  boppy in lap for when they were really little) and one baby alongside me in a second boppy pillow and would hold the bottles that way.  My arms got less tired than trying to do it in reclined high chairs or a bouncer.

     As for when they cry at the same time, sometimes one baby will have to fuss a little longer.  It's not ideal but if you can't safely comfort both at the same time, go with the more upset one.   

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