Do you have any framed pics of your little one in NICU? I have a few that I want to put in her room.... is that weird? I never even thought about it being odd until I read a few posts here about people saying that their preemies made people 'uncomfortable' with all the tubes and stuff. But obviously I think she was beautiful despite what she was hooked up to... and it's part of her story... the beginning of her life!
Re: odd question about pictures... lol!
I got a frame that says my first photo on it and I but his first photo that my DH took of my LO the day he was born. My Lo was on a vent and had all kinds of tubes and IV's going on in the picture but I am a proud mom who doesn't care if it scares others thats my son and unfortunalty that was the start of his life and his first photo so it's on display with all our other photos.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
I have alot of pictures of the boys in the NICU. The first picture we have of them together is of all of them on a pillow looking at the camera. I'm never taking that one down. If it makes people uncomfortable they can just not look at them. If it's in your house do what you want!
Absolutely. The only picture I have of me, DH, Katie & Jack was taken in the NICU. It's the only picture I have of my two babies together--they're not even anywhere near each other but the nurse managed to get the two beds and me and DH in one picture. It's the most precious photo I own. We had it made into a 10x13 and it's hanging in our living room.
But besides that I have several of Katie that are just too cute! She used to make the funniest faces while in the NICU!